[quote=Brovo] Because Twilight was aimed at young girls and 50 Shades of Grey has a of fetishes in it. It's hard not to find one you don't like in there, honestly. (That doesn't mean you'll enjoy reading it though.) Literally Twilight is two extremely beautiful boys who are badass and yet soft and caring and blah blah blah, fighting over Bella. It shouldn't be surprising that young girls like that in the same way that many guys fantasize about having two women obsessively wanting to be with him. The difference is that women tend to be more emotional, men tend to be more physical, and that's because of biology. Again, this is very, very normal. I want to stress that. [/quote] And I'd like to stress that Brovo isn't normal, and we all appreciate that very much over here. [quote] I relate to the Zerg's desire for constant growth, change, and food. For fucks sake, that doesn't mean I want to be a man eating bioplague monster in real life. [/quote] I could probably find a few people wishing that were not the case. ... [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/d8b8fdc46cc7192c7455dc6baa9d48df/tumblr_n35yiyucsL1qldhy8o1_500.jpg[/img]