[i]Y[/i]eah, I suspected the spelling errors might occur. I'm both sick with a head cold, and drifting in and out of sleep. I'll be fixing them when I'm more alert. I appreciate the heads up, though. [i]T[/i]he spell section was something I intend to expand upon later, for now it's just base descriptions of the things he'll be likely to do. Didn't see a need in adding things like; Aidhr Kehl::Aura Call, the basic spell of an Order Mage which lets them reach their Aidhr, or aura out to the spirits of the ancestral beasts, the key to each of their spells. And I didn't want to go into excessive detail for each of the spells I did type up because I wanted to see a CS before I really got too much more information down so that I can write it differently depending on the format. [i]T[/i]here is some societal measure to the castes, but they're primarily descriptive. It's not really how much importance you have, it's more... how much respect you recieve. The Uliber are held in the highest esteem, whereas Kerigs are just sort of... there, for the most part. There's no real hatred between the classes, though there is some scandal in dealing with the lower castes. Think of it more like rich people. Uliber are the wealthy; they can hang with the lowly all they want, and while they may get teased or called out for it, no one is actually gonna do anything about it, because they are in a position of respect and power. And a Kerig with an Uliber may be cheered on in their romantic or friendly endeavors. Or threatened to back off if there's an angry parent or lover involved [i]H[/i]is motivation is meant to be straightforward, easy to get. [i]H[/i]e would not want her trapped, no. Hence his flagrant hope to best the unbeatable labyrinth... You could go so far as to say that people from Corian are a bit... not egotistical, but perhaps overly self-assured. [i]H[/i]e's fairly strong, all things considered; even though he's a mage the type of magic they use is more about channeling the traits of beasts than poring over dusty tomes and summoning lightning bolts. There's a physicality to it. That being said; he's quite clumsy, and blind as a mole without his glasses. So his size and moderate strength can actually be a detriment at times.