[b]"Oh one last thing"[/b] Before the nord girl could leave the place she was interrupted by the noble Yeomsley [b]"They also took my account book. Not really as important as my holy amulet, but I would appreciate if you could retrieve it for me as well, I would gladly pay you a generous extra"[/b] Pisukisa mounted the horse faster than the bretons predicted and off she ran to the forest. A few minutes later she was caught once again by Heren who said [b]"Where were you going? You need to know where the robbery occurred at least. I'll show you, since we are already close to the place."[/b] Thus, the girl was guided to a path in the forest, quite unused, it wasn't very surprising to see why bandits would use this place for an ambush since it was rather hidden and separated from views of the main road. When they arrived they were greeted by sic people jumping of a tree and menacing them with daggers and axes [b]"Choose: your money or your life"[/b] Both Pisukisa and Heren were still on their horses, but their scape route seemed difficult without getting the animals injured. Heren maneuvered his horse to get close to the girl and whispered [b]"For f*cks sake, I don't have anything to give them, what do we do?"[/b] ----- Of course, upon listening to the girl saying that some "Teresa" had been teaching how to make necklaces with daedric symbols the knight Caoldi had to ask imediately [b]"Where is this Teresa?"[/b] [b]"I don't know, she comes to the village once a month or so, but she actually lives in a place that she calls Kikus, or Kiker, or something..." "KIKOS!?" "Yes! Exactly that"[/b] Blessed be the divines, finally the knights have gotten a lead of the witches's coven, and if this girl knew where was it they could go and raid the heretics. [b]"Monk, in case you don't know, the Kikos are a group of witches that we have been looking for. They are the ones involved in the daedra summoning and rituals and because of that we would appreciate your help in this matter. With taht said, and if your pilgrimage is too important, I recommend you to go to the temple that I mentioned, they will be able to help a Mara worshiper such as you"[/b] ----- The Bosmer flinched, he was actually going to show the young argonian a dusty tome of dwemer origin, but maybe such explorer would find it boring, considering that the book talked about crops and such. Followed by Ajax, the elder entered the fourth house, then he lit up a candle and he show him the way downstairs to a humonguous storage room that was litten by windows on the ceiling of trans lucid crystal. [b]"Here is my collection and the items of my trade. I have almost everything: weapons, armor, potions, scrolls, gold, silver and an interesting substance made from synthesized moon sugar that some khajits sold me, among other things. But what you might want is this[/b] Around one corner the collection of items turned into a zoo. A subterranean farm and jails filled with things ranging from pigs and goats to one with a white tiger. The Bosmer stopped in front of a jail with some camels, all of them looking young and healthy and said [b]"If you want to cross the dessert you'll absolutely need one of these, so lets talk about business"[/b] The argonian heard voices down the corridor for a brief moment and looking up he saw a heavy metal door enclosed on a wall that looked like a [url=http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/x/%E9%97%A8%E7%9B%91%E7%8B%B1-7334714.jpg]jail door[/url] [b]"Oh, that door caught your attention? I don't mind but I doubt you'll find it interesting anyway"[/b] Of course, nothing would impede Ajax to take a peek if he wanted to