[u]Hana[/u] Neoteris turned to look at the new arrival, a strange quirk of her attitude showing that her height, or lack thereof, didn’t matter. She was short enough that almost anyone could tower over her, or attempt to, as she never seemed bothered by anyone’s attempts at looming, making anyone who tried seem foolish and arrogant. Files scrolled in the corner of her vision as the Irishman spoke to her, and satisfied with his introduction, she smiled back, “pleased to meet you too Connor.” Evelyn was the next to arrive, and it seemed that she completed their small band of heroes. Hana couldn’t help but agree that it seemed true, what many were saying. They were hardly as impressive a group as The Magi had been, and none of them had the kind of track record they had been able to boast, although a few members of the Super Hero group had numbered amongst her mentors. “Now that we’ve got everyone… let’s go.” She moved away from the group, not stopping to see if they would follow, already knowing where she was going… --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [u]Jack[/u] [i]Lets go.[/i] Jack was stood at the back of the station, concealed from view behind a set of overflowing dumpsters in an alleyway. It had in fact taken her a little under an hour to prepare. More than one car now in the front lot of the station had come back with a little more weight than it had left with, even accounting for the obligatory doughnut and coffee. She had been grateful that the schematics for public buildings were freely available on the web, and had made judicious use of them to locate the primary power supply for the station. There were backups of course, but they would take a moment to come on, and she only needed a moment to get in. She had already kitted up, and appeared significantly bulkier wearing her assault gear. The glock hung in a thigh rig on her right, and she took it out, checking the magazine before slapping it back into the gun. She finally settled the mask over her head as she sent the text, then once the tick appeared indicating it’s success, she speed dialled. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [u]Hana[/u] Life isn’t like in the films, but even so, this moment seemed too unreal to be in real life. Each charge went off at the same time, and the cars rose into the air, somersaulting almost in slow motion before coming crashing down. It was almost silent. And then the sound returned in a rush, the explosion rippling out across the blocks. Someone screamed. Then there was chaos inside the station. Neoteris had thrown herself at the nearest civilian, taking the young woman down to the floor at the sound of the first explosion. She rose to her feet in one graceful movement and panned around, taking in the whole situation. The lights had gone out before the explosion had sounded, and emergency lighting was glowing beside doors. “Nightingale, get outside, get some altitude, find out what’s going on, Adrian, Evelyn, get downstairs, this has got to be an attempt on Caro.” She tapped something on her wrist, “we need to find out what the hell is going on.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [u]Jack[/u] As soon as she had dialled Jack had started running, the rear of the station was barely a hundred metres away, and her abilities allowed her to push herself harder, clearing the distance in less than ten seconds. She didn’t stop there, wrenching the door open and heading inside, gun drawn and silenced. She was bullet proof, but she didn’t want to attract too much attention, and that meant moving fast and stealthily. “Wha-“ The officer’s words were cut off as the masked intruder pushed him down the stairs. He flew the first eight steps, and once his feet found the ground he only tumbled, there was a nasty crack and the man finished in a heap at the bottom. Jack stepped over his body on the way down. Her training was obvious as she rounded the corner, checking her blind spot and advancing with her weapon held before her. It coughed twice, four times, and the two cops who had appeared through a door collapsed, a bullet in the back and head apiece. Scanning carefully, checking each room, Jack nonetheless advanced at a rapid pace.