Sharee shrugged her shoulders. "Alright, beats swimming back, I guess. I'll be sending some crew members back here to collect the rest of these supplies. You can boss them around once they get here." Letting Malakaus take the oars, he and Sharee headed along the coast up to the north side of the island, towards Mistral's docks. Sharee had assigned the lookouts to watch for them, so they eventually did spot them alongside the ship. From there, the crew threw down some ropes and helped haul up their rather heavy cargo, then they climbed up themselves. Sharee was done with the heavy lifting for the night, but she did have a few last orders for Malakaus. "Alright, take those ingots wherever you wanted them, then send up your men to meet me in my cabin. From there, I want you to take some of these men back to the cove to pick up the rest of the supplies. You can stay and help, or come back here as soon as you show them where it is; I don't care, as long as we get those supplies onboard by dawn."