[b]"Aye aye, captain."[/b] After Sarel dropped off the chest, Malakaus and Sharee took the boat back to their ship. Malakaus had a bit of trouble handling both oars as he had a tendency to favor his right arm over his left, causing a bit of an uneven stroke, but they managed to arrive with no major issue. Malakaus ordered some of the men to keep the chest near by since he wanted to get to work on them as quickly as possible. Unfortunately he couldn't do that right now since Sharee wanted him to take some of the men back to the cove to move the loot, and he couldn't just delegate that task to his Typhoon Warriors since Sharee wanted to see them. She never did answer his question why she wanted to see them, but he could imagine why: She didn't want them to be on the same standing as the other officers. Malakaus can't say for certain how the others treat their underlings, but Malakaus makes sure to put them to work, and if they do good work, he trusted them for more difficult tasks and the authority that comes with it. Authority that may, at some point, undermine the others. Not that Malakaus planned to mutiny or anything, but the way he sees it, if he was going to have to handle everything, he wants to make sure that he can rely on people who help him with everything. But the captain was the captain, and he was just one of Sharee's officers. Finding Harasha and Sheo was easy enough as they were surveying the deck. [b]"Sharee wants to see the two of you, and the rest of the Typhoon Warriors. Where are the others at anyways?"[/b] Sheo said that Three-Horns took his harpoon and went fishing in the sea while Dar Ray went to go sell some things. Fletcher was last seen making more bolts. Figuring that Fletcher would be the easiest to find Malakaus looked for him, and sure enough the bosmer was sitting on a stool making arrows and crossbow bolts. He looked up with surprise to see Malakaus. [b]"The captain wants to see you Fletcher. Don't make a fool out of yourself, and more importantly, me."[/b] Fletcher put away his equipment and went to leave before Malakaus grabbed his shoulder. [b]"Also... That key you found, it was useful. You're doing a good job Fletcher. Now if we're honest with each other from now on, we won't have any problems, savvy? You might not have any use in a fight, but I'll figure out some way to make a place for you on the crew. Just don't lie to me and tell me that you did something you didn't, and you'll find a home here."[/b] Malakaus let the bosmer go before he went to go find the argonians. Malakaus thought finding Three-Horns was going to be the harder of the two, but it just so happened that as Malakaus was heading off the boat Three-Horns arrived. He held his harpoon in one hand and a net full of various fish in the other. [b]"Looks like a good haul. Sharee wants to see you Three-Horns. Drop that fish off by the kitchen and see to her immediately. You wouldn't happen to know where Dar Ray went by any chance?"[/b] Three-Horns mentioned that Dar Ray was carrying a basket of potions he brewed up, so Malakaus figured that Dar Ray went to some alchemy shops to sell them. It took some time but finding an Argonian in the town proved easy enough. Dar Ray had finished bargaining with a street merchant when Malakaus appeared in front of him. This caught Dar Ray off guard and he raised his claws, but this only made Malakaus smirk. [b]"Expecting trouble, Dar Ray? I hope you didn't plan to use the ship's resources and keep all the profit to yourself."[/b] Dar Ray meekly admitted that he was trying to get them some more money with potions he brewed up. He managed to make a bit of coin and brought supplies, which he gave to Malakaus: Three vials of Hist Sap. This surprised Malakaus. [b]"Where'd you get this? Nevermind, just go back to the ship. Sharee wants to talk to you."[/b] Eventually the Typhoon Warriors stood outside the Captain's cabin, however no one dared entered. They all assumed that Malakaus was going to let them in, and when he passed by he wondered what they were all standing around for. [b]"Look, the captain gave her order, and I answer to the captain. And you all answer to me. So just do what she says and don't make a fool of yourself. I have to head back to the cove to led the other men to looting the hideout. When I come back, I'll give you your share for keeping this place ship-shape. So don't cause any grief for me or the captain, eh?"[/b] Malakaus gave other words of encouragement before gathering some of the other crew members, getting some more small boats into the water, and leading them all back to the cove. He also attempted to teach them rowing techniques, though when another crew member mentioned his skill with rowing boats Malakaus ordered him to teach everyone proper rowing techniques.