Name (First and Last): Ellyah Asaar Jayr Age: 29 Country/City of Origin: Orgravia A country located many leagues to the south of Thessaloniki, Orgravia is a warlike state, but rarely bothers with those on the other side of the ocean, finding more profit in slaughtering and enslaving those on their side of the water and trading them to Ageuos. They are far from averse to enslaving their own people, and when no targets rear their heads the Orgravi turn on each other, weeding out the weak. Occasionally enterprising nations have sought to take advantage of these conflicts, only to have the once warring tribes unite against the common foe without a second thought. A violent society, women are at once warriors alongside the men, and property, traded and bartered between successful warriors. The most powerful warlords possess harems of hundreds of women, each one trained in the arts of death and love. This makes them extremely valuable as slaves in Ageuos, though they are rarely traded, and as such, fetch high prices at auction. Status: Pleasure Slave, for now Personality: Ellyah is unusual amongst her people in that she does not accept the status quo, though she was raised and trained much like her sisters, the spark of rebellion in her was never stamped out by the conditioning, and was instead compressed into a hard diamond of spirit at her core. She is however, clever, it was rare, but it was not beyond the Orgravi to put to death those women who showed too much spirit, or condemn them to service in the pleasure pits. Appearance:[img=] Reason for attending the party: Like Ignia, Ellyah is a symbol of wealth, though not quite such a decadent example, sold many years ago, she has been among the people of Ageuos for long enough to recognise many of their customs, though she rarely understands them. Anything else: The Orgravia are fairly distinctive, but so is their dress, and Ellyah is normally found dressed in typical fashion, exposing large amounts of skin and adorned in golden jewellery. History: Raised and trained in the classic manner of the Orgravi, Ellyah was sold to an Ageuosan trader when she was sixteen. It wasn’t long before she was auctioned off for a princely sum to Elric Octave’s father, before being sold on once more shortly before his death. As such, the Octave family are no strangers to her, though she never met Elric. Two more years of service and she finds her current master invited to Octave’s party to see the girl with the demon hair. As one of only a few dozen Ogravi slaves in the city, Ellyah is the next best thing to the red headed Ignia, so naturally she was selected to accompany her new master as a demonstration of his own wealth.