Elena looked around after the group had been teleported, and then shakes a bit from all this. She then looked around the place, seeing that they were now in California. Seriously, traveling this fast? If they had something like that back at her job, then it would have made it much easier to travel from place to place. But seriously, it was a powerful item that should not be played with. She looked up at the tower, and stared at it. "I have a bad feeling about this.... as if something in there was very wrong." she says. She then had a shiver down her spine as she stared at the tower. She breath deeply. "I... I guess we need to get in and beat each floor to get to that Carl guy.... Who is he anyway?" she asks, unsure. She did not know anyone by the name of Carl anyway. It was something new to her. As she looked at the tower, that had a lot of decoration of gold and such, she breath deeply. What is this guy, the person that used all his money to make it seem like hes the richest creature in the world? Such a show off. ----------------------------------------- Deravan, who walked back with the group, smiled a bit as he moves close to where the wolf lady is. He then kneels a bit, and looks at her straight in the face. "We need some information out of you... We were having slight complications with what we were doing. So here are my questions. Where are the positions of every small bases your organisation has, and do they take hostages for their twisted needs." he then says, staring straight at the wolf's eyes. He then rises up as he hears her stomach growl in hunger. "Robert, if we can spare just a bit of food, maybe that will convince her to give us the information we need. We do not want a dead creature here even if she kinda deserves this. Not too much food but just enough so she does not die from hunger. That is... if the hunting party brought enough." he then says. He breath deeply. Next time he would go with the hunting party to help out, to gather up more food and help out in hunting. With his new form, he felt a lot better as a hunter as before, so it would help a lot if he were to come.