"Assembly ho!" Kaesey cheered as they started off towards the large hall building along with a few other late-comers. [i]'TWO friends?! Not one but TWO in one day!'[/i], the squirrelly girl thought with a large smile as they found seats in the back. [i]'If I keep this up, I'll have...'[/i] She gave the undoubtedly easy equation a worthy effort, but one would have almost seen smoke coming from her ears as it went way over her head. [i]Like... SO many friends...[/i] Suddenly realizing that the headmaster was already speaking, KK tuned in for the last little bit but in the blink of an eye it was over and the students began fumbling about the hall in search of sleeping space. "Awww, it's over already?" She mumbled, eyes shimmering and lips sticking out in a pout. "I didn't even get to use my celebratory bom-[i]firework[/i]!" As if to accentuate the point she dug through a pouch and pulled out a rather large bottle-rocket. It was clearly homemade, complete with lots of scotch tape, and looked rather dangerous in her hands. "Next time, Ol' Sparky... Next time." Spinning back to face Indigo and Lupus she put her hands (and the rocket) behind her back and rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet. "Well I guess we should find some sleepy-time place... Then maybe tonight we can break into a supply closet and clean your shirt!" The happy-go-lucky expression and everyday tone of voice made the statement rather chilling.