Yes, Gamesutra is totally not one of the best sources for actual gamedev information. To put it simply, this should not be a victory to any gamer. If you are really a gamer, you would not be happy over Intel pulling their sponsorship from a site that's been fundemental to gamedevelopers, indie and otherwise, since its inception. Becouse Gamesutra is one of the single most proffesional and leading sites when it comes to gamedevelopment and covering it, Alex not withstanding. It is were actual gamedevs go, where they discuss and write about their craft. Now, I can say for certein alot of gamedevs are gonna be very afraid or angered with you guys. Not journalists, game developers. The fact that you show such malice Dipper, scares me. I thought this was about making a difference, not ruining things? You look more like someone who is bullying then a "freedom" fighter at the moment. Meanwhile sites like Kotaku is gonna go unscathed. Becouse they have a shit-ton of supporters, who rely on them for Japanese coverage. And please, for the love of god. Don't use Ghandi pictures. Your cause is nowhere near the magnitude or importance. Don't insult the legacy of such a great man. Why isn't this movement targetting IGN? They are known to go hand in hand with big game companies. I thought it was about fighting corruption. Why only the ones that are targets, forefronts for progressive thinking, femminism and anti-sexism? I know of course, why. The targets are those who did the "Gamers are dying" angle. But atleast be honest and don't hide behind "we are trying to weed out the corruption" if that's the case. They are targeting dissenters. Its a internet slapfight with harming, legit harmfull effects on the buisness as a whole.