Indigo stood silent as he watched Kay occupying herself with her thoughts, she seemed to be glowing with happiness. "She's that excited for a speech?" Indigo thought to himself, he stood and listened intently to the speech given. "I guess it was interesting?" Scratching his head at the thought. Now what troubled him now is where he would be sleeping and the fact Kay keeps a firework in her pouch. "Should I not be near her or Lupe at night? Waking up to my burning flesh doesn't sound too appealing." He stared at the both of them wondering whether or not they would cause trouble for the faculty. [b]"Well I guess we should find some sleepy-time place... Then maybe tonight we can break into a supply closet and clean your shirt!"[/b] Indigo did find the idea of cleaning his shirt mildly appealing, but breaking in on his first night at the academy didn't seem to be the smartest thing to do. In fact, it was trouble and trouble is something Indigo tends to avoid. He quickly thought up of an excuse, "Well, you know breaking in is,uh, I heard you could get expelled if you broke into places." going on with his lie, "I'm pretty sure I have a spare in my luggage and besides we're going to be in our nightwear. So, we don't have to clean it today. Yup!" Avoiding trouble was the highest priority as of now. "Wait, one moment." he said to them. He went to find his luggage once acquiring it, he went to change into his nightwear. He wore a indigo colored thin sweater and black sweatpants. "I don't really have to go back to them, do I?" Indigo asked himself. Oddly enough he did or rather tried to but couldn't find them, "I guess someone might have told them to move to secure a spot to sleep." He released a sigh of relief, "Guess I won't be getting in trouble on my first night. I'm pretty sure they'll find better friends around here." He thought to himself as he struggled to find a place to sleep. Eventually, he did and almost instantly fell asleep.