I used the Ghandi picture because it is highly apperpo to what is happening. First thwy iored us, then they laughed at us calling us misogonerds, and telling us that our identity is dead. And yes, normally while I would mourn the loss of a website like Gamasutra, when they allow a writer to act like this, [spoiler] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/bf4164a24bc811b1ad2b1b5d136ff34b/tumblr_ncvccnkAhC1tk3fajo1_1280.png[/img] [/spoiler] it is not bullying to write to their advertisers and complain. There are a great many other websites that would gladly fill the void and replace them. That is why it is a good reason to not actively inaukt your readers and shove unwanted pseudo-political bullshit down their throat, you might very well be replaced. That is a consumer revolt, and that is what GamerGate essentially is. Why should we patronize a website that allows one of their lead writers to threaten and insult hopeful game developers and hopeful game journalists? Why should we tolerate a website that refuses to deal with a woman who refers to less fortunate, impoverished black men as 'Hood men' as a strange euphemism for Nigger, and wants to have a [u][i][b]VIOLENT[/u][/i][/b] cultural backlash against such 'hood men'? Here is a screen cap of her racist tweet: [spoiler][img]http://i.imgur.com/eNvSPhE.png[/img][/spoiler] Here are three articles of people being fired for making racist tweets - All three of them deserved to be fired - And had their companies not fired them, there would have been a very large and deserved backlash against the businesses they worked for. Is Leigh Alexander and Gamasutra somehow immune to the Internet's reaction to racism because they cover video games? Without me shoving words into your mouth it seems that you think so. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/dec/22/pr-exec-fired-racist-tweet-aids-africa-apology http://www.laughspin.com/2014/07/04/anthony-cumia-fired-why-racist-twitter-rant-led-to-firing-from-opie-and-anthony-siriusxm-show/ http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2013/09/10/pax_dickinson_business_insider_cto_forced_out_for_sexist_racist_tweets.html You and I both known that we should not, and no one should tolerate racism. Why should we tolerate her racist views? Why should we tolerate the website that allows her to write attack piece after attack piece, as well as click bait articles, not to mention her racist views? Does her 'malice' scare you as well, Hellis? Ruining the dreams of people because they disagree with her, and bragging about it? Saying she wishes she could start a racist cultural backlash against 'hood men' from the ghetto? Or does the fact you said that 'Alex not withstanding' somehow absolve Gamasutra of condoning her actions by not taking action against them? As for game devs and game dev groups being worried of angering their player base, have you heard of Mighty No.9? Was supposed to be an amazing game, a true, spiritual sucessor to Megaman. It looked amazing - I donated to the Kickstarter. But guess what? Dina, the community manager, (who got herbjob through nepotism...) decided that the backer rewards shouldn't belong to people who helped fund their game if they disagreed with her. And when the backlash got bad enough, and Dina's actions got more and more outrageous, such as demanding that the genderless main character (its a fuckng robot, it doesn't have X or Y chromosones) be turned female because she wanted it to be, and getting her boyfriend to try to make them change it because someone who wasn't honestly involved in the project wanted it changed (Something that would set them back quite a while...), and people began saying they wanted to refund the money they gave to help make the game, she told them 'tough shit". That isn't how a successful company works - alienating their backers/investors because "whelp, my girlfriend who has no experience in community managing needs a job, so we best keep her on despite that our backers are backing out because of her inappropriate actions." Unlike RPS, Kotaku, Gamasutra and Polygon, IGN writers did not get game developers to sleep with them in return for good reviews. Do you remember 'Doritogate', a few years back, the rather large gaming backlash against IGN's obvious corruption and selling out to MTN. Dew? Or the backlash against them(And EA and Bioware) when EA put one of their reporters into Mass Effect 3 (And spent more time and effort sculpting her high polygon-count ass instead of Her character's face, personality, or more importantly - Tali'zorah vas Normandy (An incredibly popular character/love interest)'s face?) [s]Pepperidge Farm Remembers[/s] I remember. Do you? Maybe the reason we aren't going after them, at this time, is because IGN didn't take part in the attempted censorship? Nah, has to be that we're just going after dissenters, because we gamers are megaphones, we're much less kind than casual players and we won't mind making an example out of dissenters. Its also funny how these 'gaming journalists' act like they can tweet bullshit at us gamers, as if we can not kill their careers and companies. They need to learn to say 'we've messed up and have a lot to learn, we apologize". Hmm. Is it me, or does that sound strangely... Why does that remind me of... its like I've seen those three sentences before... Oh, now I remember. [img]http://i.imgur.com/2XaR1EP.jpg[/img] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BxK5GOvCQAAD8Xo.jpg[/img] Such progressive thinking. Let's start a race war, guys. Let's crush people's dreams for shits and giggles. Let's accuse all people who disagree with us of being white, cis het basement dwelling men. Let's call the minorities who disagree us 'weaponized minorities'. Let's write clickbait articles that alienate our customers. Nothing will happen to us, we're 'progressive feminist', not abusive assholes.