Sorry for double post, but... [quote=Kestrel] Likely because IGN doesn't write articles with the purpose of insulting it's following. They totally should target them, though, but it's the same as everything else. Ego>all.Regardless, despite the collateral damage being potentially massive, you can't grow healthy crops on a poison ground. I think it is for the best in the long term if lessons are learned (pleasepleaseplease,) but the wake this whole ordeal left is a special kind of toxic now. I really don't want to get into the debate any further because I feel debating this extensively is the literal equivalent of slitting one's own wrists and I like myself too much to hurt me. I'll take my stupid soapbox and leave now. Please don't make me hurt myself. [/quote] I'm sorry, but #GamerGate won't end any time soon. What we want is so this never happens again. I'd gladly, GLADLY go up against IGN if it comes to it as well as any other corrupt people ruining my hobby, my identity.