[quote=Chrononaut] Weird how we're focusing on Zoe Quinn now when this kind of corruption has been self evident since Gamespot fired Jeff Gerstmann for his Kane and Lynch review in 2007. Good news I guess, weird that it took a woman cheating on her boyfriend for anyone to pay attention. (and she maybe got decent reviews for her tiny, free, choose your own adventure text game. Oh noooooooooooooooooooooo)Also I think that guy has basically guaranteed he'll never get a date again. (From anyone who knows what he did) [/quote] Zoe has been a non-issue for a while now. I named the thread back before #GamerGate had a name, when it was first starting and I wanted to know what was going on. And oh yeah, oh noooo, her 'game' was free, but she was using it as a way to scam money for her fake GameJam and her patron account. Oh noooooooo, let's be sarcastic and unironically ignore the issues that are plaguing gaming, because 'muh soggy knee'! [quote=Kestrel] IGN has been ruining game journalism for years. If you are genuine, you should claim you will instead of you would.Also, how can someone ruin your identity? First gamer is not your full-blown identity in and of itself (at least I fucking hope not) but a part of it, and secondly your self-image or the label gamer isn't so weak it can be dismissed by tumblr-level tabloids. If anything the response has shown that they haven't even been close to being a threat to your identity.I think exposing corruption is good, but there is so much drama and bullshit surrounding this I don't want a part of- okwait. No. Stop. I'm bleeding.Fuck, I knew this would happen. [/quote] Fine, I fully intend to. Did you even read the part that I wrote about IGN in my big post? What they have tried to so is split us on gender, race, creed, sexuality and other such things that were not our choice. We (Gamers) are not divided by our differences, we are united by the one common identity we all chose for ourselves. We won't have people we trust to tell us about games tell us we, the core players of video games - Are irrelevant, and that they need to cater to people like Anita, who don't even play games, or Jenn Frank, a female journalist who claims that women were just unable to comprehend anything N64 onwards because '3D is too confusing', and that their minds weren't ready for the switch from 2D. I quote: "By 1996, most of my female classmates had stopped playing video games. I think some of this had to do with societal pressures but the rest of it had to do with the Nintendo 64. Even now its controller is nonsense; in 1996 it was outright galling. Where had all these buttons come from? Why was it shaped like that? Why was there an analogue stick stuck in the middle of it? Meanwhile, beloved franchises such as Mario and Zelda had shifted from two dimensions to three, and not every girl was readily able to adapt to these new spatial challenges." Sauce: https://archive.today/bOP8Y#selection-1255.3-13884.0 We are gamers - Why should people like Anita, -who there is footage of her saying how she hates video games- Get to go to the makers of Mirrors Edge and say "Dumb it down, controls are too hard for women" when she doesn't even play? Just because THEY had trouble switching to the N64 doesn't mean that women's brains aren't capable of playing 3D games. Devi Evers did a few funny pictures about that article, I'll see if I can't find them so we can have a good laugh.