Sharee was seated at the table in her quarters when Malakaus' men finally entered. Most of them seemed to have an air of nervousness about them, which did make sense, considering their captain called them to meet with her for no obvious reason. There wasn't enough chairs at her table for them all to have a seat, so she did not bother offering. "Ah, there you all are. Come in, and close the door behind you." She said, giving them a few moments to get settled before continuing. "So, Malakaus has been telling me about you; his "Typhoon Warriors," as he calls you. He said he put you in charge while we were gone, and since the ship is still in one piece and not on fire or something, I'm going to assume you succeeded. Malakaus has told me you do good work, but he has also told me all about your flaws. I want you each to tell me, what are you good at, and what are you not good at. And honest." Sharee requested in a tone that made a polite question seem minorly threatening. So far, she hadn't praised nor berated, so what she was going for in this meeting would not yet be obvious.