Ogre heard his orders, finish them off before moving on. He liked it. Ogre swung his axe left into the neck of a hostile, the axe revving inwards a couple of inches into he enemy before Ogre twirled around and fired two plasma shots which buried themselves into the chest of another enemy. A sword came swinging down from nowhere and Ogre just managed to block it. The two weapons locked as a man of similar size pushed his weight onto his sword. Ogre pushed back and then realized the enemy's belly was exposed. Ogre grinned evilly as he put his gun point blank there and fired multiple shots into the brute. The body went limp and made a satisfying thud as Ogre turned and made his way to the door. He kicked it in and aimed at the hallway infront of him, waiting for hostiles. "Door breached sir!" He yelled to Jason.