Evelyn was up early, but the kiss still gripped her chest and she was in no mood to talk to anyone. Last night burned freshly in her mind, and the shattered remains of the wine bottle could still be seen below her window. She felt cold, apathetically so.  Oh, and not to forget about the little panic of an 'intruder' last night, Evelyn didn't bother sticking her head out her study when the bell sounded. Rushed footsteps swept past her door, but she already knew whoever they were trying to find was long gone.  Considering the fact that a warm bath might loosen her up for her meeting with Kester, Evelyn summoned a servant to start her bath. She enjoyed her private bathroom, it had marble floors and a large, deep basin in elegant design that was ideal to soak in. After the servant derobed the elf and guided her to the tub, Evelyn requested that the blinds be drawn and for more candles to be brought in.  Sitting back neck-deep in steamy water, Evelyn remembered why she enjoyed baths in the semi-darkness. Little candlelights twinkled from all parts of the room, on tables and along the floor. Water lapped against her body, echoing off the stone walls in the quiet silence. She sighed, leaning her head back. Palace life had its perks, which she indulged occasionally. But the heat of the water could not melt away the chill at her core, and she frustratedly got out after twenty minutes and toweled herself off.  In freshly cleaned Mage robes, Evelyn put the gold earrings back in her pointed ears and ran a brush through her silvery hair. Cool eyes stared back at her from the mirror. She tried a smile, and although it felt hollow, the mirror convinced her she meant it. Satisfied, Evelen moved to her study and rang for a servant to bring up breakfast. She would take it in here while she waited for Kester. [i]If he doesn't bother showing up I'll go see Lucius or something.[/i]