[b]"Follow his lead boys, listen to him!"[/b] In the distance Malakaus and the other crew members were rowing to the cove. Leading them wasn't Malakaus himself but a different crewmember, a red guard, who was a much more experienced oars man and quickly showed them all the basics to proper rowing techniques and patterns. The redguard himself was a burly but soft-spoken man, and likely wouldn't have been able to get any of the crew's attention had Malakaus not made them do so. it paid off however, as they managed to arrive to the cove faster than when Malakaus had left, and in a much more orderly fashion as well. He arrived with 14 crewmen, most of them strong and muscular to handle heavy lifting. Notably however, Malakaus didn't call upon any of the crewmembers who supposedly worked under the other officers. He figured that since he wasn't their boss, he shouldn't be ordering them around. The rest of the men however, he had no problems giving them their orders. [b]"Necessities first! Take any supplies such as food or medicine first. Once we cleared this cove out of those than we get the loot. You'll all get your share soon enough, so if I find out that you've been having sticky fingers, I'll have your hands. No one touches the skooma! If I find out that one of you so much has licked a drop of that skooma before it gets back to the ship, I'll have your heads! There should be a barrel of weapons in there, and that's mines. I'll be melting that down for better stuff or just into ingots for later. Come see me if you want to get something better than whatever pig-sticker you have right now."[/b] Malakaus and the crew filed out of the boats after securing them to the moor. It was mostly the crew themselves that did the work while Malakaus went to the other captains. [b]"Nothing exciting happened while I was gone, I hope?"[/b] --- Meanwhile back on the ship, just about everyone was unnerved in being in the presence of the captain. Even Harasha, the strongest of them, was tense. The only one who seemed remotely cool headed was Dar Ray, and even he had a healthy amount of caution given their sudden summoning to the captain's quarters. Eventually they entered, Sheol first, all of them filing into Sharee's room. It wasn't entirely cramp per say, but the only people who could take a seat was Three-Horns, who sat on the floor, and Sheol, who was offered a seat by Fletcher. Dar Ray was the last to enter so he closed the door behind them. Share spoke to them about how Malakaus commented abilities and their limits. None of them seemed particularly bothered that he had been talking about them, he was their officer after all. It did make some concerned about why Sharee wanted to hear their skill sets again however, and Fletcher was especially nervous since he initially lied about what he was capable of doing. The first to speak was Sheol. "I'm a conjurer. I know of some other spells, but I specialize in Conjuration. I have learn a bit of a trick that allows me to make the daedra and creatures I summon linger on our world a bit longer than usual. This has allowed me to harvest components and belongings from the daedra I summon, which has been put to use here on the ship. I'm also rather capable with an axe, which I summon with my magic." Clearing his throat Three-Horns spoke up. "I'm an alchemist from Black Marsh. I used to run a little shop there before I traveled to Cyrodil, where I managed to get a bit of a writing books. Of course, I can do far more than just that. I myself can handle a harpoon to spear fish and people all the same. Sometimes I would coat my weapon with poison, but I'd prefer to use my potions to strength me if I'm expecting trouble." Three-Horns was aware of Sharee's alchemy ability and hoped that maybe if he tried to create a similarity between them, he won't be in trouble for whatever reason they were here. Fletcher went next, surprisingly. He didn't really start as fluidly as the other two and basically just shouted the moment Three-Horns was finished. "I'm a fletcher! I mean that's... That's really the only thing I learned to do. My father was a fletcher and I just sort of took up his skills growing up. I joined because I wanted to be an adventurer. I took a few lessons with a sword and some spells. I'd like to think that I'm pretty good at talking to people too. And... Um..." Fletcher quickly lost steam. He didn't want to admit that all he was good for was making arrows, something that Malakaus was far better than him at doing anyways. Unlike the others however, Fletcher was the first to start talking about what he wasn't good with. "Malakaus says I'm not good in a fight, and I think he's right. I mean, I've taken lessons sure, but our attack on the ship was the first real fight I've gotten into and... Well... I mostly just hanged around in the back, made sure some of the sailors were dead after the others did most of the work. And I never even used a bow before. Even while I was working with my father, he was the one who tested the arrows I made. Most of the spells I learned I got from a few dusty tomes my mother brought for me, but even than they're showy spells. A bit of a flare here, some magical healing there. I'm not really good with them either since I can't seem to use them more than maybe two or three times." As Fletcher eventually shut his mouth Dar Ray spoke up. "I'll also admit that I haven't exactly dedicated my life to combat either. I'm certainly a capable pugilist, but I made my claim with Alchemy, a bit of magic on the side, and knowing how to deal with money. I used to work for the East Empire Company, but after they unjustly fired me I wanted to get back at them. I can promise you Sharee, while I can't fight by your side, I know all the in and outs of the East Empire Company. I can figure out their trade routes and their secrets. They'll rue the day they decided to cut off Dar Ray." And lastly there was Harasha. She stood with her arms crossed this entire time just looking at Sharee. She stood close to Sheol, as though she was more concerned about what Sharee was going to do to them rather than actually speaking. When it came to her turn she spoke softly. "I'm just a warrior. I hit things with my warhammer and kill them before they kill me. I'm a hunter as well, and with the right tools I can skin and carve a full grow bear in under a minute. I might know a thing or two about how to survive when you're in the middle of nowhere, but I'm far from educated. I don't know how to read or write and I can't and won't try to lie to save my life. I never led others before and I don't know why Malakaus thinks I can. All I can say for certain is that I don't tolerate foolishness, so when someone steps out of line I simply hit or yell at them until they get back in line. I know that's no proper way to lead, but that's all I know what to do."