Elizabeth frowned slightly at his last comment. "They have the whole world to mess with...why would they concentrate so much around here?" she mused. After everything that's been going on, how things seem to be shifting and becoming unusually intense in those parts, she wouldn't argue against the possibility - but it all still seemed odd to her. Regardless, he was right. They had things to do. They needed to get back to the farm, to get Bessie back, to talk to marl and get her blood looked at. With that in mind, she let go of him, offering him just one more kiss before sliding off of the bed. She looked at her clothes, and smiled again, reveling in the memories of the moment. Silently, she gathered them and got dressed. She then stretched, pausing as those muffled words played through her mind again, along with the remnant feelings of being cocky. It took her a second, but she began to recognise those feelings as not her own. She tried, instead, to focus on the sound of Connor's voice. Still, she couldn't quite make out what he was saying. Quietly, she sighed to herself, before finishing up her stretches. She returned to her feelings of peace and happiness. God had accepted her back, she could deal with everything else...and as she thought that, she looked back at Connor, still smiling peacefully. "Connor...I love you.'