Sharee did not look upset. In fact, she was quite pleased with their responses. They were what she expected based on Malakaus' descriptions, which meant they were being honest. She wasn't going to start singling their praises or anything, but she could articulate that she was satisfied with their progress. Additionally, she needed to reinforce the idea that [i]she[/i] was their superior from by giving them direct orders from time to time, else they start forming more loyalty towards Malakaus than herself. She didn't have any specific orders for them at the moment, but there was one thing she was curious about that she wouldn't mind figuring out. "Good, that's about what Malakaus described. I needed to know that you are up front about your limitations .I don't care if you can't fight; we can teach you that. I care that you don't exaggerate your skills to me. Boast all you want in the tavern, but I need to know what you can and can't do. Everyone on this ship, whether I actually send you out to fight or not, are going to be trained to do it. Got to be able to defend yourself against boarders, after all. But since you're starting to make a name for yourselves, literally, then I want to see exactly where you're at. To that end, I want to spar with each of you, to see for myself exactly where you are. I'll make my judgements on things not related to fighting later. This early on, I need to know how you stand on the basics." Sharee explained. Indeed, she would be able to get a sense of their abilities by sparring with them, but more than that, it could serve as a form of intimidation by demonstrating her own fighting skill, in case they ever had thoughts of betrayal.