[b] Atras C[/b] Ogre really didn't understand a thing going on according to the galactic news. For it kept talking about how pretty some alien monster's children were as opposed to explaining any politics. As well, it kept distracting him from the fact a bunch of colonists just died for no good reason. How odd, surely they had food to drink on the surface of such life filled world? Maybe it was poison? Ogre wasn't really sure. For what mattered more was that that maybe armored worm native to the planet Alas Prime is something totally squeezable if Ogre just had some hands to squeeze it with. However, out of nowhere a massive sphere shaped ship with many other ships in the shape of foot balls and torus-like crafts came warping in; it was the universalist military democratic party xe called in a day earlier. One of the ships is a giant football in shape, however being marble white it looks sort of like a albino orca would if you ripped off the fins and glued the mouth shut. "OOOOOOH!" one of the captains of the ship shouted at ogre through the intercom, clearing communicating how angry xe was to be here as opposed to Adrasu where the slaves to fling against walls are. "oh...?" Ogre replied snarkily. "oooooh.... ohhh.... OOHHH!" another captain suddenly started to rant out loud, interrupting Ogre, not understand a thing what anyone is even actually saying and instead going on a tangent on how they need to start dropping big rocks on Atras C in order to keep the peace and hopefully send another colonial mission in the future. Ogre instead sent a message to the captain of the giant football ship, asking what the big plan for this world is. The only response Ogre got from the captain of the giant football ship is "ooohh. OOOOHHHH! oooh..." A response Ogre didn't like at all; at the rate things are going it may turn out the planet has rival colonists judging by the corpses of the O spheres found having plasma burns and there being piles of ash where the settlements were. A disturbing find to say the least. Yet Ogre didn't care. Ogre instead decided to begin launching down some more of its fellow O for another go at colonizing the planet. Not like there is much else to do in this galaxy, anyway. All devouring worm monsters are so yesterday, yet so cute. Not to mention this time Ogre knew there is military support; should bad things happen on the colony again more military Os can go in and sort things out the proper way- by throwing big rocks at the enemy and hoping for the best.