You know Hellis, I've argued with you quite a lot over this. Each time you make a point, I counter it, and each time I make a point, you ignore it, or give false information as fact. You've done it multiple times, and in all honestly, it is fucking bullshit, and cowardly. You can't refute a god damn thing I say when I back it up with pictures of what has been done, so you ignore it entirely, and focus on a post that I apologized for shortly after making it. You say me being happy that a disgusting woman brought shit down upon her company is filled with malice, and ignore all of the things she had done because it is inconvenient to admit that maybe, just maybe, Gamasutra had it coming. You made multiple ad hominem attacks in your largest post, and it just shows how willfully ignorant you are of what is happening. As for a counter movement - This -is- the counter movement, a backlash against bullshit people like Leigh Alexander, Stephen Totilo and others like them. But keep regurgitating the same disproven line that GamerGate is about malice and intolerance by gamers, something that Brovo, Magic, and I routinely showed you was not the case. Maybe it'll come true if you keep telling yourself it enough.