You never actually refuted a point I made in any great extent. You showed people acting bady, something I never once in this thread defended or agreed with. And I agree on both anita, Leigh and others. You never once managed to properly refute why this would be bad for the buisness as a whole. Where are these fallacies in the shape of adhominens you speak of? When I wrote, in a quite sensible manner about how your stance is likely to be percieved? No. That isn't a ad hominen, I wrote, in a civilized, calm manner why many would see irony in why you calling the SWJ coult when you show the exact same 'symptoms' for your own cause. I said malice, becouse you were cheering for the downfall of several sites, ruining lively hood of several people becouse they featured articles you do not approve of. That is malice to me. . Again, you attack me, for being cowardly this time. When I, despite having to argue for the most part of this thread against three different people for my point in the matter, agreeing on several points with your cause. But you handily ignore that every time, becouse i do not agree with you 100 percent. Every. time. You more then once, used language that is as unproffesional and wile as the woman you attacked. One I agreed with should be canned. Again. I AGREED WITH YOU ON THAT. The fact that I urge to look trough your posts more, and try to see more then one angle is not adhominen. Me pointing out what kind of behavior you have continuesly shown trough the thread and how it reflects poorly on the point might be percieved as a Ad hominem, but it is not a fallacy. A adhominen on the basis of highlighting the lapse in morality, is a valid point. ITs not calling you names, or attacking you personally. I am 'attacking' your stance, your argument about a identity and your right to attack other over there idealogy when you refuse to accept any criticism towards your own. But As I said. I am done. Before you attack me with things liek Ad Hominen, you need to look up the word and what it means, and how it is used.