[center]The Next Day[/center] [img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130813161831/rwby/images/8/84/Rwby_cliffside_by_hakuku-d6gy2t3.png[/img] Ignis Opal sat behind her desk, her chair turned around facing the large window behind her. She gazed out towards the rising sun, her blood red hair hung around her face and cast a shadow over her golden eyes. She was lost in thought, wondering if she wanted to carry through with her twist with the test that the first years were going to participate in on this day. She had hand selected 12 first years who were going to set the standard for her. If they could not carry out the mission as planned, she would simply go back to the original test that her predecessor Ozpin had set in motion. The woman sighed an turned around as she felt the presence of someone in the room. "Thank you for coming so quickly Pewter." the woman said to the blonde who had silently walked in. On her desk was a slip of paper that contained the names of the 12 students she wanted to use in her 'experiment' for today. "Gather these students and tell them to meet us at Beacon Cliff no later than 10 o'clock." she said. Pewter nodded and stepped forward, retrieving the list from the desk of her headmistress. [u]"Are you still going to go through with the plan?"[/u] she asked as she turned and started to walk out. "Yes." Opal said. "And I have high hopes that they... wont disappoint me. If they do, they'll be out by tomorrow morning. I'll be sure of it." was all she said before the door of her office was closed behind Pewter. "If they survive that is." Opal mumbled to herself as her gaze drifted back out towards the landscape below her. --- [center][b][i]Beacon Cliff - Moments before the Start of the Test[/i][/b][/center] Once the twelve student had arrived and were gathered at Beacon Cliff, Headmaster Opal approached the group. She looked out among the student's faces before her and a smile would form on the woman's face. "Good morning students. Its nice to see such young and eager faces to once again grace the halls of my school. You are the first of many first years who will face a test today, to truly show me if you are ready for the dangers of becoming Huntsmen." She walked up and down the line of students as she spoke, her red hair fanning out like behind her as the wind blew. "Now im sure you all have heard rumors from the upperclassmen about the objective for today, but want to say just one thing...." She stopped in front of a girl in a red hood who seemed to not be listening to her and reached out towards her, taking a lock of the girls hair in her hand and gripping it in a fist, but not causing harm to the girl. "Whatever ideas you have about the test, forget them. You twelve will be set out to achieve a different objective. In this test, there is no pass or fail. It is pass... or die." Opal said menacingly, letting the hair slowly fall from her fingers. "This test will not be like the ones your seniors took. This one is different. New. Never been attempted before.... likely very dangerous. So, based on the files presented to me from the first years, I have personally selected all of you to carry out this objective for me." she turned away from them and looked at Professor Pewter who nodded and stepped forward. [u]"The twelve of you will be sent to the ruins of an abandoned city located on the outskirts of Veil. It is a hot-spot for some of the most aggressive Grimm in the world, and so the mission will be carried out in teams of two. The first person you make eye contact with when you reach the city will be your partner for the mission as well as the duration of your time here at Beacon. While you are on mission, Opal and I will be watching you closely, and should you succeed and... not perish, you will be placed into teams of four."[/u] She paused and looked at Opal who nodded for her to continue. [u]"The objective is to get to the church located in the center of the city. Inside there will be six relics that are placed at the alter. Each pair takes one relic. There are two of each of the following: a cross, a small gargoyle, and a wooden spoon. No doubt you will face monsters in your path that are set to protect them. They are some kind of source of dark energy we want you to bring back so we can destroy it. You are by all means authorized to use deadly force. If you don't well, you know what happens. After all six relics are retrieved, it will activate a spell that will transport you back to this cliff. Be warned however. If there is any presence of the Grimm withing 20 meters of you, the spell will deactivate and you will be trapped there. We will not be coming to get you."[/u] she said. "I hope all of you were listening closely and you are prepared to face these trials. The standards here at Beacon will be going up from this year forward, and I trust you all will set the example of those coming behind you." Opal spoke up then again. A hand rose to flick a bit of hair out of the woman's eyes and then she outstretched it towards the sky, closing her eyes. "Oh. And one more thing students." she said, a smile raising to her face. "Good luck." With those last words, the woman would snap her fingers and the group of students would be individually circled by a white circle made of runes and small words. In a flash of light, they would be gone, all sent away to a different part of the abandoned city. The woman's eyes opened and she looked to Pewter. "They will survive." she stated to the professor. [u]"In all honesty Opal... I am not so sure."[/u] --- [center][b]~Moments Later~[/b] [img]http://coolvibe.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Ruins_v5b_HD.jpg[/img][/center] [hider=Music Accompaniment] Add this to your post when writing the part when you reach the city. [youtube]CpmAD4gcLMo[/youtube] [/hider] Rielle felt her feet touch the ground, and not even a moment later, she heard the sound of a nearby Grimm. Turning around, she saw an Ursa lumbering around, shuffling through a building just behind her. Though her first thought was to scream, she covered her mouth with both hands and stepped backwards. She stared at the creature for a moment before turning and running in the opposite direction. Before she would be ready to fight, Rielle had to find a safe place to calm down and think. The only safe place was up, so with a hop, Rielle outstretched her wings and flew to the roof of the nearest building. There she would sit down and formulate some kind of plan in her head to survive. Her objective was to locate a relic. Sure, that was doable. But first, she had to find a partner. After a moment, Rielle would rise and look out upon the city, getting a clear view from here. Grimm had begun to gather around the bottom of the building she was at, and though she wanted to fly to safety, that would only make her a giant, red, moving target. [b]"Alright Seraphine. Let's kill these soulless bastards, huh?"[/b] she spoke to her bow as if it would reply back. Readying her bow and aiming it at the head of an Ursa, Rielle would pull the string back and stick her pointer finger out as guidance. Then using her semblance, she would create a thin arrow made of fire and hold it in place. The words of her father would echo in her head as she focused her energy, taming it, and allowing it to do her bidding. [i]"Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus."[/i] With the last word spoken in her head, Rielle release the arrow, watching it fly and hit the beast dead on. It let out a shrill cry and fell, dead, then all Grimm heads in the area looked up in the direction the attack had come from. A smirk formed on the lips of the girl as she pushed her head back and flapped her wings. [b]"Did somebody order a handful of torched Grimm?"[/b] she said with a light giggle as she jumped from the roof and created a flurry of arrows to rain down upon the Grimm below her. She just let loose, not caring what caught aflame in the process, and afterwards, landed on the ground, transforming Seraphine into a spear and charging at the closest beast towards her.