[center][b][u]Margaret[/u][/b][/center] Margaret felt the need to tighten her grip when she felt the red color rustle about. She softly locked her own arms around it, intent on staying close to the warmth. Warmth. Warmth emitted so kindly from this person. The girl hoped that she would not get plucked off of the warm color until she felt tired. Perhaps, the other color that popped up was kind as well. She remembered the other red color: it was a longer color of red. Far more beautiful than her. Beauty. Warm. This person too was warm. She was also kind. Kind. Kind gave warmth. The reddish-orange haired girl's face never stirred from its emotionless state. She attempted to process the words that came from the long red color. She could not process them... perhaps Nikola's upgrades did not provide everything she needed instantaneously. Still, she attempted to try harder. "...p...ren..ts...?" P...ren...ts...... Parents. Margaret finally heard a voice other than her maker's. It was blurred out severely, but perhaps it sounded far more elegant than she did. Elegant. Elegance. Elegance: the quality of neatness. Elegant. Warm. Kind. This long, red color was a nice person. Warm. Warm. Warm. The color she clung onto had some sort of unknown chemistry within it that made her feel all warm in her heart. Heart. Her pounding heart. It pounded softly, almost as if it were dying. Margaret turned to the... other color. A color she did not remember seeing clearly. A very faint tint of... the color of the sun... came from this person. Yellow. Yellowish. Yellow. Gold. Blonde. Margaret found the term [i]blonde[/i] recognizable in her word bank. While her hearing seemed to be a little faulty, it seemed that she could now understand some words. It was no wonder that she heard the long red color say something that she could comprehend. Margaret stared at the mass of blonde hair with her blank face still on. She seemed to feel timid by the unfamiliar color's presence, which led to her softly squeezing her body to Matt. She was like a weakened creature that wanted warmth. A hug, maybe, but she felt like she should not speak yet. That was, if she could.