[hider=before time skip] Priscilla didn't even bother to talk to anyone in the ship, because she wasn't in the mood to do so, it's not that she wasn't shy because that is something that she isn't. In other words... she wanted to be alone to think about what she would do in her life at Beacon. As soon as the ship arrived into the Academy, everyone got off the ship, making Priscilla the last one to get out. "I can't believe it....I am finally here." she said stretching and running a hand through her pink hair, as she walked down of the platform going into the Academy now. Then it was night time, that's when they were gonna sleep, and rest up for the next big day! It was going to be nervewrecking because, she didn't know what was exactly going to happen! Of-course, she was ready for it but it was still nervous for her. Hopefully it would all go well. Priscilla layed on her bed, and fell asleep, tomorrow awaits![/hider] *Present* Priscilla jumped up, going to the bathroom, doing all she was going to do there, to get ready. She put on her [hider=outfit, orange is pink][img]http://www.madman.com.au/news/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/ASUNA.jpg[/img][/hider]her hair was straight, her outfit was good and she was ready! Priscilla skipped towards the others, she noticed 11 more people besides her, they were all standing in a circle, with runes and small words, they were going to be thrown to some abandoned city located on the outskirts of Veil. She had to find someone, as soon as she sees that person, eye to eye, he or she would become her partner for the mission and for the years in the Academy. As soon as she heard Opal snap her fingers, that's when each student was flung into the abandoned city. [b]"Aah!"[/b] yelled Priscilla, as she was teleported she grabbed her sword, pressed the button as it transformed into her whip, as she grabbed herself from hitting the ground, thankfully the whip wrapped itself around a Tree's arm, as she hung there for a minute. [b]"Why did I have to do this, Priscilla, come on..."[/b] she said rolling her eyes, letting go and falling on the ground on her butt. [b]"Ouch..."[/b] the pink haired girl stood up, looking around, hearing Grimms around her, she cleared her throat and tried to be as quiet as possible. She walked around, and accidently made a noise, alerting one of the Grimms that were nearby her. [b]"Oh, I'm sorry, Grimm. If you were resting, you can continue, I am just here to lo-..!"[/b] that thing didn't even let her speak! It began to run after her, Priscilla rolled her eyes as she turned her whip now into her sword, she ran towards the Grimm and used her electricity, to give her a bit of speed, as she ran behind it and slashed it from behind. [b]"Boom."[/b] said Priscilla, cutely flipping her hair, hopefully she could run into someone already, she didn't want to do this alone! No fun.