Kaesey had made a rather large and overly-complicated plan to break into one of the school's many supply closets, but as soon as she'd found a suitable place to drop her bedding and had laid down to 'test it out' she'd fallen right asleep. Making friends was tough work and that combined with the excitement filled day had been enough to wipe her out. The next morning she awoke with a start, jumping up and gathering her things as quickly as possible. For once, this haste wasn't because she was late but rather because she was super super [i]SUPER[/i] ready for their first set of trials. Her father had told her all about the team-making process and, while he didn't leave out any of the gruesome details, KK thought it sounded like the most fun thing in the world. Donning her carbon-fiber breastplate and forearm guards, covering both with her sky-blue blouse, she quickly strapped on her thigh-guards, pulled up her steel-toed leather boots, and slipped on her fingerless gloves. The last thing to do was to reweave her long, flowing hair into its typical tight 'battle-braid' and then swing Breakr over her shoulder. Giving herself a thumbs up in the bathroom mirror, along with an unpracticed 'war-face', she was just about to skip her way out of the hall when she received a message on her wrist computer. It was a Beacon Professor, [i]Pewter[/i] as the rather serious woman identified herself, and she told Kaesey she was to report to the cliffs within 10 minutes. Hustling up to the gathering, she took her spot at the end of the line and inspected her fellow trial students with a few cooed 'Oooh's and 'Ahhh's. They looked strong, though a few might have been a little nervous, and KK silently wondered which one would be her first team-friend. When the headmaster finished giving them their instructions and the glyphs below them began to glow, the energetic girl couldn't help but let out a gleeful cheer as her vision faded into nothingness. Within in instant the world returned and she found herself standing at a four-way intersection; the street cracked and uneven and a rather large tree growing in the place of a traffic light. "This is so... apocolyptic." KK's voice shattered the silence and echoed down the empty street. "Cool!" A sudden rustling sound behind her caused her to turn and face the six glowing-red eyes staring hungrily at her from a thick wall of brush. With several hungry growls, the three Beowolves stalked into the open with heads down and teeth bare. "Doggies! Come to play?" The little girl said sweetly with a cute tilt of her head that caused Breakr's head to slide off her shoulder and hit the pavement with a heavy metalic [i]'thud'[/i]. The Grimm creatures did not answer as they fanned out around her until the one in the center decided to lunge with a vicious snarl and razor-sharp claws leading the way. In one graceful motion KK sidestepped the attack with a twist, one arm bringing Breakr around in a tight spin. A loud [i]'Crack!'[/i] resounded through the street as the vicious flail head connected with the side of the Beowolf's head and the momentum behind the blow sent its limp body tumbling away in a cloud of dust. The two remaining beasts snarled angrily but were clearly thinking of a more cautious approach. Kaesey never let the weapon stop moving as she replanted her feet, keeping Breakr in a fast spin at her side. One of the creatures before her let out a quick howl that was almost immediately answered from some distance away: a call for backup. "No fair..." Was all KK muttered with a pout as she carefully backed up so as not to let a creature get behind her.