On the outside Naoto was silent, his head low and his body still. However, on the inside he was flooded with emotion. That edition began to leak out as his hand began to tremble and he crumbled the letter in his shaking fist. Anger, fear, anxiety and even understanding all filled him. He was angry at Vicente for what he's done but he was even more furious with himself for not saying something when the mafioso appeared as Michael. Naoto knew from moment he saw him that he was dangerous and as he looked at the the true form of their enemy he realized why. Bloodlust. Vicente's tourist act diminished its presence but it was there and it was prominent even in his image. And Naoto let him slip away and drag an innocent person into it all. As angry as he was his fear was what really caused his trembling. Vector, Sonya, Prospero. They all have shown a power that he never knew existed in the mafia, in this world. He was lucky to beat Prospero and and he was spared fighting the Vector from ten years ago by the time limit of the bazooka. While Prospero only had the intention of trying him he knew Vicente would kill them all without a second thought. Why he didn't before was a mystery but fact that he chose not to at the theater made him even more frightening. [i]He's confident he can kill us at any time. If he can do the kind of things Vector can then he's right. Even with training we might still be walking into a death trap...Decimo...Tsuna. I understand. Why you won't help us. I don't like it but I can't be mad either. Mom and Sonya both talk about you do highly. You probably wouldn't send us in if you didn't think we could do it...[/i] Naoto was trying to resolve himself but it was futile. He was still shaking. He smiled slightly thinking it was natural for him to be nervous. It didn't change the fact that he wasn't gonna sit by and let Vicente do as he pleases- [b]"I don't wanna die..."[/b] Naoto's eyes widened in shock hearing Jak utter those words. He had thought about the possibility of them dying but to hear it voiced shook him to his core. [i]Jak...I can't pretend like I'm not terrified too. Not as much for me as...[/i] Finally, Naoto stood and crossed the room. Walking up to Cyril he grabbed him by the collar and pulled him from his seat. "Cyril...I want you to say it? Say that you need our help. Don't think I'm trying to make you beg or anything. But if I'm going to be able to resolve myself to this fight I need to hear how much you care for your aunt in your voice." Naoto hadn't raised his head until now. His eyes showed his strong determination but it was clear he needed that lay push. "I know what it's like to lose someone close to you. I've also seen the pain out causes from the other side. I'll do whatever I can to keep that from happening again." His eyes drifted to Jak briefly. "Like Sonya said before I don't have s choice. This time it's because I can't let myself run away from this." Speaking to the others Naoto remembered their first encounter with Sonya and the news she came with. "I know Cyril is going no matter what. I'm...completely out of my league and I'm more scared than I've ever been in my life. You didn't have to show up at my house that first day but...I'm actually glad you did. Just like then you don't have to come and really I wouldn't ask you to. So, whatever you choose..." Naoto turned around and gave them all a big grin. "Thanks for coming this far with me~" [i]I probably wouldn't have lasted this long if you all hadn't...[/i]