The Typhoon Warriors looked at each other with a mixture of confusion and contemplation. Harasha and Sheol seemed to have no qualms about sparring Sharee, while Three-Horns and Dar Ray was nervous. Fletcher was visibly shaking. It was bad enough for him to get beaten around by Malakaus, but now the captain was going to give him a thrashing as well? Even if she was just going to spar him, he knew that he didn't stand a chance against the captain, and wondered just how badly he screwed up to have this sort of punishment. "Y-y-y-you mean right now?! Or... Later? Outside?" Fletcher's fear was apparently obvious, and no one else spoke as they themselves had a hint of fear as well. They had no idea what brought on Sharee's sudden interest in them, though each of them suddenly felt a bit more resentful against Malakaus. As far as they know, he must have told the captain something that made her question their ability on the ship, something bad enough that she had to take care of it herself. Granted, this was just speculation on their part, but Sharee wasn't exactly giving them a clear message. Sheol had some choice words to give to Malakaus the next time she saw him, and Dar Ray was thinking of ways to get his own pay back against him. Three-Horns didn't really have much motivation to go against Malakaus, but he was thinking that he ought to step up his game and try to see if he can work with another officer, one who won't get him into so much trouble. Fletcher of course was starting to lose hope in this whole "pirate" deal and was raking his mind about how he was suppose to get out of here before he gets killed, or worse. However while the other fours were devising ways to get their revenge or escape some sort of punishment, Harasha was sensing another motive behind Sharee's actions. This was more than just a test of their ability, but a test of their loyalty. So far Harasha believed that they have showed their loyalty but Sharee aims to test it, but the way she's going about it would, at best, make the Typhoon Warriors wary of Sharee while spiteful of Malakaus. Harasha didn't trust her officer any more than Sharee did, but for the sake of the Typhoon Warriors and more importantly, herself and Sheol, Harasha spoke honestly and bluntly. "You don't want to spar us to test our abilities. You want to test our loyalty to you." The others looked at Harasha, this time with much more fear and tension. Even Sheol urged her to be silent, but it was too late. Harasha has spoken. While it made sense, it put them all on edge. Now most of them thought that Sharee planned to do to them what she did to Noelle. Except this time it wasn't a public lashing, but possibly an execution. Harasha simply kept a hard glare on Sharee. Than Harasha spoke again. "It matters little to me. If we are to spar, I shall volunteer to go first whenever you are ready. We'll let our actions speak our intentions."