Beo's making an RP? :arghfist I MUST JOIN :arghfist ~Name: Aslin Forlak ~Nickname: "Violet" is her moniker, due to her colors, though she prefers being called Aslin by those that know her. "Lin" by close friends. ~Species: Boringly Human. ~Gender: Female. ~Nationality: SUBJECT TO CHANGE whenever I actually learn anything about their world. Or start watching season 2. ~Age: 18 ~Emblem: [hider=Dichotomy of a Dragon] [img=] [/hider] ~Aura Colour: Dark Purple. ~Semblance: Darkness. Unfortunately, this doesn't mean she can sap the life out of people through their pores. It legitimately is just a control of light, where she has the ability to "absorb" light around here, the physics of which are rather strange. In practice, this means she has the ability to dim the area around her just by willing it. Not to a great extent; even if she tries her hardest, she'll still be brightly lit if someone shines a flashlight on her or in the middle of the day. But it is enough to make a mediocorely-lit room very dim, or a dim room pitch-black. In more open areas, it can make it look like she has a cloud of darkness around her, which can be useful more for intimidation than stealth. (A random shadow in the middle of an open field at noon is a bit obvious.) It also works as a sort of homeostasis field in that using the warms her up, as she not only steals light, she also steals [i]warmth[/i] as well, which can cause chills to go down someone's spine if she gets near them while using this as she is literally making them colder. It's rather useful for staying warm despite wearing a skirt. The area of effect is roughly a 6-7 feet radius from her center. She can make it shorter if she wishes. She is unable to do the effects in reverse, unfortunately, so she can't make herself glow or cool herself down/warm the air around her up. This means she prefers fighting in cooler environments. EDIT: As of recent events, she now CAN absorb the life energy of someone through their pores. It's a lot less dangerous than it souds, however, and it actually involves aura rather than life energy. It requires skin-to-skin contact anyway, and is rather slow, so even if she got the drop on someone, she'd have to keep them in a wrestling hold to do any real damage with it, and that's assuming they're not wearing armor. More than likely, she'd get thrown off rather easily. It has the use of being able to absorb the last bits of aura of a dying man, or one that's captured. Or slowly killing someone while they sleep while leaving no evidence. As for why she never knew about this power? Rather simply, she had never been quite as injured before. Sure, she'd been injured during training, but never had her aura gotten so critically low as to require it. It should be noted that if she absorbs energy when she has a full aura it DOES overcharge her. In small doses, this leads to a nice cushion of aura should she get attacked as well as heightened physical abilities. In too large a dose, however, the extra aura actually would physically rot her insides due to the excess. (Not that she has any way of knowing any of this, however.) ~Weapon: [hider=Blacksteel] [img=] [/hider] Modeled after a katana, her weapon she affectionately names "Blacksteel" is unfortunately entirely blade and has no gun-based elements. However, it has dust-based abilities. The exact nature of how dust is used will be covered in the next section, but what it does is that the dust can be used to either "enchant" the blade, or it can be used to send a wave of dust forward from a slash. To elaborate, the first ability is activated by holding the red button on the hilt down. When it's held, the dust stored in the hilt transfers up onto the blade and coats it, using a sort of magnetism to hold the dust on the blade. This enhancement gives the blade a purple hue and lets it cut through even metal with ease, but overuse of it can corrode the blade slightly. However, the blade is sturdy enough that she's much more likely to run out of dust before then. The second ability requires letting go of the button. Or tapping it. In the simplest terms, it essentially releases the magnetic hold on the dust on the blade and flings it at people, but due to mechanisms within the blade that not even Aslin is sure of, effectively turns it into a wave projectile that can cut through objects of it's own accord. It can go about 30 feet on it's own before it fizzles out and is strong enough to cut through kevlar, but will dissipate if it comes into contanct with anything harder. (It can't cut steel, for instance.) Another strange property of the blade is that it is insanely light. The whole thing weighs roughly a pound at most, which is good for Aslin's small frame as it lets her use it effectively, but it means that it's a terrible tool for bashing someone to death if they're heavily armored, or for actually fencing with someone as the lightness of her blade means it's easily parried. (Thankfully, the dust takes care of that.) TL;DR: Fancy sci-fi katana that can become enchanted with dark and cut through metal like butter, or slice projectiles at people from a distance. ~Dust: While the blade, when enchanted, accrues a purple-ish hue, and it fires purple projectiles, the dust she uses is not purple at all. Rather, she uses red, yellow, and blue dust at the same time in equal measure which, when mixed, produces the black dust, which can best be described as a plasma, rather than fire, lightning, or ice like the original colors represent. It's actually black, but the enchantment/projectile process heats it up, causing it to glow purple, kind of like a UV light. Her sword can even double as one if she, for some reason, needs to find dried blood or something like it's a crime show. Her blade can store enough dust in one "reload" for a good 20 or so swings of the projectile, or keeping the blade in Resonant Mode (the name for when it's enchanted) for about an hour, assuming she cuts nothing at all and just stares at it. It can last about 10 minutes in a prolonged fight. She usually carries two spare "reload" capsules that are just one of each of the three colors taped together with her, just in case. ~Other Equipment: 2 spare reload vials of dust carried in a pouch. ~Skills & Abilities: Aslin can be best described as intelligent and inhumanly dexterous. Her exceptionally wiry frame helps her in the latter regard, making her able to do handsprings easily, even on rough terrain. She's very hard to hit because of this, and she can sprint ridiculously fast if necessary. Her intelligence is also an asset, as she always excelled at school and is an excellent tactician. Unfortunately, she's not strong in the slightest. Her blade was specifically made to be as light as possible, which makes it impossible to clash blades with someone else, as her blade would be knocked to the side easily. Her fighting style makes up for this disadvantage by being extremely agile, prefering hit-and-run attacks over fencing with the enemy. And when I say she's weak, I mean "losing an arm wrestling match to a 14-year-old" weak. She also lacks endurance; she's knocked out easily and can't take much abuse, nor can she run for long. (Comparative to other hunters/huntresses, anyway. She's in exceptionally good shape if you compare her to the average Joe. Just don't expect her to take a punch from a 50-foot-tall bear standing.) ~Description: [hider=Aslin Forlak] [img=] [/hider] Aslin's rather small, and exceptionally thin. She's only about 5'4" and a whopping 95 pounds, making her look absolutely [i]emaciated.[/i] This is a minor side effect of her darkening ability: it tends to [i]devour[/i] any calories within her, so despite her eating quite a lot she can't gain much weight. Naturally, many women resent her for this, even if she herself would like to gain a good 20 pounds so she'd stop looking like a torture victim. Despite this, she looks otherwise healthy. A fair complexion, blonde, braided hair and green eyes has she, but despite her somewhat girly hairstyle she has a more tomboy-ish manner of dress. She wears a black hoodie and a black skirt that only goes halfway to her knees, however she also wears combat boots with socks that come up [i]past[/i] her knees, coming short of the skirt, leaving a small window of thigh in between. On a mission or if she plans on getting into a fight, she'll switch to wearing sweatpants in lieu of the skirt, in favor of practicality. ~Personality: Aslin, despite being almost a pure manifestation of dark, is in possession of a personality that is anything but. She is generally rather cheery. Not manic, rather more of a calm contentment mixed with determination. She's also usually rather quiet, though she is prone to making snide remarks when the situation calls for it. However, she's also stubborn and headstrong to a ridiculous degree. If she has her mind set on something, whatevery diety rules this world help you if it's your desire to make her change her mind. She tends to speak somewhat more formally than most, rarely using slang and almost always referring to people by their actual name rather than nicknames. Her opinion on faunus is rather strange. She isn't just accepting of them, she actively wishes she [i]was[/i] a faunus. Alas, she is a human, and considers it rather boring. However, if she meets someone that dislikes faunus, she can get... tempermental. She rarely shows the same passion when a faunus is discrimatory towards humans, however. ~History: Born to a single mother (before you ask, there was a father at some point, he just cheated on her and left like an asshole) who was a rather accomplished hunter even from a young age, most of Aslin's childhood life was spent training. Aslin didn't mind; she still went to school, had friends, got an education... she was just also very busy with her mother constantly training her to be a huntress. Aslin, meanwhile, loved it, always looking up to hunters/huntresses - her mother especially - as heroes. Due to intense training and a lot of dedication and love for the whole thing, Alsin went to Beacon and excelled magnificently, to the point where even at such a young age, she rivalled some veterans in skill and knowledge. It's just a shame she's so damn thin. ~Other: Contrary to what you may think, she utterly despises dark chocolate. Will eat the everloving [i]shit[/i] out of milk chocolate, however.