[b][u]Jonrik[/b][/u] Jonrik, on the balls of his feet with his ax held firmly in his grasp, watched as his and his companion's situation deteriorated as it progressed. His eyes darted to Alva at the flash of steel when she drew her blade, but the abject terror on her face made it clear she at least wasn't going to charge headlong at the beast. Jonrik jumped back slightly, but flapped his arms again as the bear shifted in his direction. He didn't really know what he planned to do once the bear chose him as its target, however. The only goal he had was to get it away from Alva. Thankful, the sound of Audrunar rasping his ax on his shield drew its attention. The bear pivoted its large head back and forth from Erika to Audrunar when they started bickering. This was not the best time for such a thing, but it did a good job at distracting the bear. At this point, Jonrik began to wonder if he should take a swipe at the bear's back while it was turned. He didn't know if injuring the bear would make their chances worse, or if there was no other way to get rid of it than to kill it. A bear would have a lot of useful fat to render, he couldn't help but to think, and that would help them this upcoming winter, but Jonrik seriously doubted they would make it through that encounter without some loss. Sudden yelling made Jonrik's head snap to Faen, and watched as the bear switched targets to the Lokison and started to walk towards him. Faen called out that the bear was attracted to sound, and Jonrik instantly tried to will Alva into going and hiding in the woods without a sound. In a quick movement, the bear went for Faen and Audrunar went for the bear. The bear quickly had the man subdued, and Jonrik wondered briefly if he was going to die. He took his ax in both hands; once it killed one man, it would want others. Jonrik, holding his mouth shut to be quiet, planned to strike the bear on the back, hopefully somewhere near the spine to end this debacle. He slowly edged behind the beast. Just before he raised his arms, an arrow flew true to its mark and hit the beast in the neck. Jonrik heard Erika calling for the bear, taunting it, and she disappeared into the woods. Jonrik had taken a few slow, silent steps closer to the bear while Audrunar had had it distracted. Now, he stood with his arms half-raised a few feet behind it, trying to decide his best option, hoping hesitation wouldn't cost his life. If the bear went and followed Erika, he would leave it be. If not, he'd take a hack at the monster's back. [b][u]Alva[/b][/u] Alva stood, close to the treeline, the farthest of the group from the bear. Her shortsword trembled in her hands. Alva had rarely been in situations so dire. She was young and, frankly, inexperienced. She had gone to battle, but that was behind her husband against foes she could meet with her blade. Looking down at her meager sword, Alva had no intention of attacking the bear herself. The sword was in case it decided to come to her. Not that she thought she had much of a chance. "[b]Lest you wish an early grave, that shortsword will not do much good unless you intend to walk into the bears paws.[/b]" Audrunar said back to her, and Alva barked a laugh from between her bit lips. She didn't say anything in response, but shook her head ambiguously. As if she would attack the giant, angry, hungry bear! She fidgeted nervously as the bear waited, the length of the encounter grating on the girl's spent nerves. She edged further from Erika and Audrunar as they started arguing and drawing the bear's attention. Alva thought to try and get to her pack to get her fire materials, but knew that the process of making a torch was too long and something would happen before she managed to get a torch lit; that, and she was too scared of risking the bear's attention. When Audrunar was finally pinned by the beast, quite fast to Ava who was half paying attention to her comrades and half being mesmerized by terror, she skirted sideways along the treeline. She watched from a respectable distance, whimpering quietly as Jonrik edged closer to the bear and Audrunar called for help. She had no quarrel with Audrunar, but there was no way she was calling that beast toward her just to save him. Alva didn't want to seem cowardly, but in truth was very afraid of the bear. It wasn't the bear itself that scared her so much as the fact she couldn't do anything about it. She had no idea how to face it. She justified to herself that she would've just gotten in the men's way as they dealt with the threat. She watched on and licked her lips nervously, heart pounding.