The bear stomped on Audrunars shield, resulting in heavy sighing and grunting from his end. It was about to give a final stomp when it suddenly roared again. It was then that Audrunar noticed the arrow in it's pelt, and blood slowly trickling from it's fresh wound. The bear pushed itself away on the shield and ran after Erika. It wasn't fast, as it's enormous size was a slowdown, but he would manage to keep up with Erika somewhat. Audrunar was relieved, his arms beginning to hurt from the sheer weight of the beast pounding on them with it's paws. He shot a quick glance at Faen to see if he was okay, however he didn't see much. “Faen, are you okay?” Audrunar laid his head back on the ground for a second before he realized that Erika must've ran off with the bear, something that didn't even cross his mind yet. He shot back up, and grabbed his shield again. Taking a look around, he saw that Jonrik made no attempts to chase and Alva was cowering in the distance. Faen was out of commision for a while, it seemed. Just now when his trickery would be useful. Audrunar felt no particular way about them not giving chase, Jonrik had his wife to care for after all, Alva was not a warrior and Faen got hit by a bear. He probably was off worse than Audrunar, from the looks of it. The wound in Audrunar's thorax was still bloody, but it wasn't spurting out so he decided he'd have to go help Erika, as he owed her that much. Instead of grabbing the axe, which in all honesty was quite useless in this situation, he ran back to where he had dropped his javelin earlier, took it from the ground and gave chase to the bear and Erika, following the tracks in the mud. Now, he was no expert tracker but the bear was hard to miss, the mix of human and bear prints made it rather obvious where they went. However, Audrunar knew and saw that Erika ran faster than he could since she had such a nimble figure. In ways, Audrunar could be jealous of that. Before he left, he shouted out a task in an almost commandeering way. He didn't mean to, but it came out that way regardless. “Get started on that fire! It will work better than axes and fish I imagine, in case it wanders back here. And one of you two..” He looked at Jonrik and Alva quickly, “please take a look at Faen, I'm not sure if he's ok.” He left the task open for anyone that wanted to do it, but also figured they would've done so regardless. None of the group really knew the lay of the land in this area, so what Erika didn't know was that she was running straight into a corner where she couldn't possibly maneuver out of the bears way. What she probably could tell was that she was running slightly uphill, as one can feel this easily in the way they walk. Some five hundred meters from her the treeline stopped, and ended up in a small cliffside overlooking the river that the group was camping at. Now, this cliff wasn't as high and one could survive the fall if they were lucky enough were it not for the rocks in the river below the cliff that would break your bones when you fell, making it almost impossible to swim. This would, sooner or later, result in drowning. That is if you were unlucky enough to not suffer a quick death from the fall itself. If she didn't alter her path, the bear would trap Erika in this cliff side leaving three options.. jump, wait for the best or fight. And with her ability to run faster than Audrunar, he wouldn't arrive to their location soon enough to help her with the latter, so she could merely attempt to scare the bear away with her arrows, or get a very lucky shot in. Even the best archers in Scandinavia would have troubles shooting a moving bear straight in the heart.