Sharee gave a chuckle and stood up. "An astute one, aren't you?" She commented as she began to pace around the group. "You know, you really can't blame anyone but yourselves. You're the ones who started showing yourselves capable in...various respects." Most of the group, especially Fletcher, showed fear and apprehension, which meant they still had a lot of work to do. "You seem to want to become more important on this ship, which means you'll have it a lot harder.The lowly grunts, they can afford a few mistakes, since I don't expect much from them, but you want to be anything more than that, then I'm going to go hard on you, the other officers are going to go hard on you. We'll beat you down, literally and figuratively, so when you pick yourself up out of the dirt to lick your wounds, you'll come back a bit stronger, then we'll do it all over again. You want to rise above the commoners? Then you're [i]going[/i] to be stronger." Sharee looked over specifically to the Orcs. "And not just in fighting."