[quote=AlienBastard] I swear when it comes to NRPs people see the limits of the RP as unfair restrictions. Multiple times I have gotten people who complained about how having only 1-2 non-human aliens is such a ridiculous restriction in a space RP that takes place across only 4 star systems that has only one alien world and said aliens can't be space faring on contact.I've gotten people who left the RP over it even when me and iso tried to work with the guy to make what he wanted fit in.I just don't get it. Why is it there is people who some how not see how absurd it is to want to have five alien species that are intelligent within four star systems independently occurring on different planets? I even had people who thought such "limitation" was contrived... Somehow. Even though many intelligent races in close proximity to earth seems far more contrived to me. [/quote] I'll be responding to this when I get the chance.