[quote=Amalvi] "Okay then, Marcus, such a shame that you are still handcuffed, but I don't think you'll have much trouble"True to be told, she preferred him that way. If he tried anything funny at least he was handicapped enough for him to have a chance to be killed, because what she could not kill she feared. But nevertheless, defeat means friendship, doesn't it? In a prison, because that's what they were supposed to be in, all inmates are potential allies until you get out. Funny enough, most of the noise and fighting seemed to have ceased and things have gotten strangely quiet, not completely quiet, but the noises of fighting seemed now distant and way less frequent than before. That could be either good or bad news for all she knew"Anyway, juggernaut Marcus, I didn't see anything like an exit on my way here and you surely didn't either or else you would have left instead of having found me, unless you had any direction in mind I suggest we keep blasting our way through until we find an exit." [/quote] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-CAj5KOJSRyo/Tgek6E3hpQI/AAAAAAAAASg/uZz9hLPyufA/s1600/back_alley.jpg[/img] Marcus just shrugged somewhat when she commented about him being cuffed, it did annoy him but there wasn't much he could do about it really. "I'm still capable you know..." He retorted, clutching the weapon with both hands as if ready to fire the old weapon. His ears somewhat twitched to the sound of pins being pulled, a sound so familiar. He was well acquainted with grenades but more so adept in use of detonator. He quickly glanced at Carlotta, he knew he could walk away from the blast but could she? "Thank me later!" He said urgently, pulling her into his hold and shielding her from the initial blast. The impact of the explosion knocked the wind out of him truth be told, along with that it pushed the two of them right out of the market and into the streets, a trail of smoke and fire following as they tumbled to the ground. Marcus' armor making contact with the metal pavement caused it to dent lightly. "That was close..." He said, releasing the female from his grip, upon doing so he realized his hands were freed, it seemed the blast overloaded his cuffs. "Well, that.....convenient." He said, rubbing his wrists. Kori trudged out of the partially exploded market, his armor black with soot and smoke, he was rocked a little bit but not gravely wounded. He still had the key, thankfully he had it so close to him that it didn't melt and become useless. "Okay, let's get out of here.." He said, coughing a bit, black smoke leaving his lungs, starting to walk off, moving past the staring faces of humans and alien people. Marcus stood up and pulled the woman up with him, tugging her along as he walked a bit o a distance behind his brother. He held onto the firearm he was given with his free hand. "They have our weapons Kori, we can't just barge in..." He piped up, Kori turned his head 180 and looked at his brother out of the corner of his eye. "I know....but how else are we getting off of this station?" He asked him. "Hmm..." Marcus should have expected that level of stubbornness from him, there was probably no other way. The three continued to travel street level, using the alleyways as cover while law enforcement searched for them.