[center]Peach and Demon Collab Part 1[/center] "That is a very valid train of thought. I'm sure we're both horribly busy," (Mikami somehow doubted Shunsuke would ever be as busy as he was) "so we might as well take this opportunity when it's presented to us." He set his now finished drink back down, wiping his face once before meeting Shunsuke in the eyes again. [b]"Busy? Well while I'm sure the levels of paperwork are worlds apart, I do have to agree. Unlike the orderly blues it's a full time job keeping track of each and every member of HOMRA. Not to mention everything that's been happening lately. It's exhausting don't you think? All of this added tension and work?" Shusuke smirked not elaborating on what he meant. However, he did assume Mikami had his own suspicions. Still it wasn't like the Blue King could simply listen to the words of the Red King who was in the predicament he was in. Still he was sure that the suggestion to move would be taken.[/b] At the suggestion of a change in scenery, Mikami could tell that the two were on the same wavelength about what was about to happen. "I think a change of scenery would be appropriate." Mikami never really sought out a fight. He'd had to step in on fights some of his clansmen were involved in before, but they never lasted long. No matter how strong a member of a clan was, they would never beat a king. But for some reason, the saber at his hip was growing more tempting as the moments passed. His phone buzzed in his pocket, surely a message to him about the current situation. It would have to wait. The other blue clan members would take care of things just fine. He trusted them. Besides, something was telling him that HOMRA wasn't behind this. The way that two of their members rushed out of the cafe made him wonder just who the culprit could be. Something as dangerous as a bomb didn't seem to fit the Red's. They were violent at times, sure, but a bomb in places that would hurt civilians was unheard of. "I say we should leave and find a more appropriate place to talk. Wouldn't want to cause the people around here anymore confusion than they're already being put through." With that, he turned towards the door, beyond positive that the Red King would follow. [b]As Mikami thought for a moment Shusuke remained silent. He was calm for now, but he was itching to trade blows with the Blue King. Being enemies at the moment was just an excuse. He'd probably have wanted to take him on just as much even if they were friends. He finished his drink waiting for Mikami to speak before nodded in agreement. "I'll allow you to lead the way. Though I do wish you were at 100%." He said referring to how Mikami looked as if he hadn't slept properly in a bit. It wouldn't stop the inevitable, but it would diminish a bit of the fun. At least it would in Shusuke's mind. He followed after Mikami calmly leaving the cafe his hands resting casually in his pockets. "Tell me something. Have you ever really looked at your clan. The way they can respects us. Fear us. Envy our power. Yet not know the true fear we have." He said calmly making conversation as they began their journey to a more private and "safe" location. "They look at us with very little understanding of the Sword of Damocles or our situation." Of course, he was speaking assuming that Mikami knew of the story of Damocles.[/b] Mikami allowed himself a glare at the Red King. Although it was expected that a touch of makeup to mask his dark circles under his eyes wouldn't fool one of the few people he stood on equal grounds with. "My physical state is of no concern to you. I assure you I've been far worse off than this." A few nights of sleeping on the couch wouldn't effect his physical state to badly. Although the guilt was beginning to effect him mentally. "If I couldn't handle this, I wouldn't be fit to lead Scepter 4." Turning back around, Mikami kept on walking towards a series of warehouses and alleyways he knew to be abandoned during the day. They were filled with all kinds of people who led typically undesirably ways of life once the sun went down, but during when it was up they were almost completely empty. Mikami tensed as Shunsuke brought up the one subject he hated thinking about. He had thought about their situation many times, often in the middle of the night, long after Kouki had fallen asleep. He understood why Kings weren't supposed to get attached. In fact, he'd never heard of one having a real family before him. It was a dangerous game to play. For years he'd been careful. Always careful. "I can say with confidence that I have thought of those things before. I would wager I've been a King longer than you, which has given me plenty of time to think." He didn't add the 'and there are people actually depending on me' part on, even though he was thinking it. The clan would be okay if he was gone. The same couldn't be said for a certain five year old. "A lack of understanding keeps them safe and it keeps us safe. Attachment and sentimentality makes one's judgement clouded." You're a damn hypocrite Mikami. One of the biggest hypocrites you've ever met. [b]Seeing and hearing Mikami's reaction to Shusuke's comment regarding his physical state caused the younger of the two kings to chuckle. "My apologies Blue King. It seems I've struck a nerve." His brief moment of laughter, however, ceased almost immediately upon his observation of the surrounding. This would work quite nicely. Though there would be many who'd need to find a new place to play for the night. He could tell at least this much. "I supposed it's to be expected that someone of your caliber could easily find a suitable place to hold our meeting." He shook his head. "Still I hope your body can hold up." He commented again, perhaps to simply enjoy irritating the Blue King. It was interesting to see how a man of his stature might be capable of releasing the calm guise he'd held for so long. And after the glare Shusuke knew it was possible.[/b] [b]Still even without the impending battle the conversation was interesting in his own right. There was that word again. Always popping into his mind. Interesting? He shrugged it off when he noticed Mikami tense up in response to the subject of the Kings and the Swords of Damocles and all that stuff that the Kings went through. His response wasn't exactly what the young King expected. He assumed since they seemed to be so different that their view points would be worlds apart. However, it was half true. He agreed with half of what Mikami had said. Only half. "Sure the lack of knowledge of our clansmen, but isn't it true that attachment and sentimentality can help keep one grounded? Give them something to strive for? To protect?" He stopped after that thinking about it for a moment. He couldn't help, but feel that what he was saying might seem naive and childish. But he held onto it. Perhaps Mikami had been like that once. Perhaps. But would he understand now?[/b] "You can choose attachment and sentimentality if you so wish. It won't be you hurting in the end. It'll those people you're trying to protect." It was far from the first time Mikami had ever had thoughts along these same lines, arguing with oneself over what was right. "Think about it this way," he said, stopping and turning around to face his adversary, hand on the saber at his hip. "Scepter 4 existed before me. Scepter 4 will continue to exist after I am gone. They will find a new King." He drew his saber, pointing it at Shunsuke. "But what will become of HOMURA once you are gone? My clansmen will mourn my death, but they will move on. Will yours be able to?" Mikami chuckled a bit. Not at the situation, but at his own hypocrisy. How can you preach being unattached when you are the most attached of all? But would you really do things differently? If you could go back would you have abandoned Kouki or walked away from being King? You're a liar and a coward. He looked directly at the Red King. He was young, naive. There were people you had to protect that you couldn't make your clansmen, that you couldn't protect by giving power. They were in danger just by being near. "The top is a very lonely place. And the fates have put us at the top." There was a certain twinge of sadness at the edges of Mikami's voice, like he felt sorry for himself and the others unfortunate to bear the crown he also bore. [b]Finally Shusuke stopped walking. "Tell me... Why is it that you don't seem to fully believe what you've been telling me?" He stopped himself from questioning further. "Forget it. I assume you wouldn't want the likes of me prying into your life." The Red King was silent for a bit after that. He was thinking. He'd yet to respond to any of Mikami's question. But there wasn't a yes or no answer. Until finally he smiled and began to laugh a bit. "You know. I've thought about that before. I have to admit I haven't ever really taken the time to worry about what would happen to HOMRA. However, my clansmen, Saito, Rin... All who join. They all share my beliefs to an extent. I have no doubt that they would be able to continue their lives. A leader would most certainly rise and whatever legacy I manage to leave behind will have had some impact." Shusuke finally stopped and ran his fingers through his hair. "Now let me ask you something." He took a moment to gather his thoughts and finally spoke again. "When you died. After the mourning, after a new King has risen, will your legacy... your beliefs carry on? Would your memory remain? Or would it be forgotten? Would you be able to look back on what you've done and feel satisfied and know full well that what you believed and stood for wouldn't simply be replaced?" Shusuke didn't really know if what he was asking made sense. It did in his head, but aside from that he couldn't help, but wonder if he was making sense to Mikami. Whatever. He thought before letting out a small sigh.[/b]