Cash's breath started to become more and more shallow as he continued running, there was no way he was making it back to the town just a mile up. Cash felt like he hit a wall when he came to the realization that he might die right here. No more guild, No more surviving till the end, No more friends, No more family, it would all be gone if Cash gave up here. But he didn't have a choice, his body wasn't made for running this long. If the game master hadn't made the pain tolerance life-like, Cash wouldn't be able to feel the cramps and burning lungs that he is experiencing right now, he would be running without feeling any of that. Cash could feel his legs ready to buckle at any time now. Cash started to slow down slightly, he could tell his end was nigh and he couldn't do anything about it. He hated it. Cash was on the verge of accepting his death, he may have wished for a more glorified ending, but there wasn't anything Cash could do to escape this fate. Cash almost lost all hope for survival until he heard a voice, it wasn't familiar in the slightest but it had a comforting feel to it. Cash's only hope, in the form of a voice, was absolutely relieving. A smile grew on Cash sweaty face, it grew wider when the voice bellowed again, this time offering aid. Cash's head flung up from it's previous slouching position, to his surprise it was the dark haired boy with the curved blade. "Pk-ers!" Cash screamed towards to the boy; Cash couldn't force himself to say more because of his lungs already feeling like they were going to pop. Cash twisted his head so his face was pointing to the threatening Pk-ers, wondering if they were still following him. There wasn't any doubt in his mind, but it was a dream that Cash chased eagerly. The spear wielder who was only 5-6 meter's behind him, ran relentlessly towards cash. His large ebony spear had a shiny silver spear head that perched intimidatingly on the end of the darkened pole, it bobbed up and down as the PK-er ran; Regardless of which, the spear's aim was never moved off cash's body. "You can't run forever!" The spear wielder shouted, his words being disoriented from the loud clanging of his armour. Cash's face scrunched up in anger,[i] If only it wasn't the spear wielder, I would stop and fight...he's got reach on me, it'd be impossible.[/i] Cash thought to himself. While Cash thought about the boy's voice and how it would lead him to safety, his legs gave way. Cash's heart must have skipped a beat. The scare of tripping was apparent and so was the scare of death. Cash must have been quite close to the boy when he tripped because when Cash opened his eyes mid fall, he could see the boy in a very clear light. A smirk hid behind the expression on Cash's face, Cash had a good feeling this boy would help and would possibly save his life.