[quote=Marcus]"Thank me later!"[/quote] [b]"What fo... HEY!"[/b] She barely had any time to react. Her initial instinct was to shoot the guy, but since she wasn't equipped with any loaded gun at the moment she was grabbed and shielded from an explosion, a rather preferable outcome had she shot Marcus. When the explosion passed and she was released from the hard embrace of the soldier, Carlota looked around and was left speechless with the architecture and buildings around her, not to mention the strange creatures that walked around the area like humans but with monster properties. She could have though them to be demons or similar beings, but the posibility of them being angels was there, since it was her future and all. What an interesting world she had woken up to. She looked at the other guy, who she hadn't had the pleasure to meet or shoot yet and was about to say "If you want weapons I have dozens of them if you need." But she would have looked like a fool, considering that her armament was a bit outdated considering the circumstances. While the three of them were traveling through the streets she bombarded the guys with questions [b]"Okay, any of you is a history major or something? Can anyone make a summary of the last centuries? Nah, disregard that, probably is boring bullshit. Can anyone tell me where are we, as in, where in Earth or world. Also, what happened to demons and angels?"[/b] She squinted her eyes when she realized something [b]"Oh wow. Took me a while to notice that you guys are twins... What were your names again?"[/b] Truth to be told, she had forgotten