Was she really going to just bail out now because it was going to be so risky? Was she going to really leave them without her help? She was the only Rain Guardian and her just abandoning Naoto and the others was unthinkable... but so was fighting this crazed lunatic. They were all bad options and frankly... abandoning the group seemed like it was the most viable. Even if it went against all of her morals to just ditch the group when the going got hard. There were no good choices here, and she knew it. It was die and fight, or run and hide. Jak father would not be proud of her in this moment. He wouldn't be proud of her at all, quivering and whimpering the way she was. Why did she have to even join this gang anyway? She knew what she was getting into on day one but why was she so ignorant to pretend away the reality of the situation. Mafia members fought. Whether or not with guns was irrelevant. Vincente had been trained for this from day one. Jak was just some hick with a chance to be in the mafia. Jak was rocked from her stupor by Naoto grabbing Cyril and shaking him. He asked if he wanted them to help. [i]I had almost forgotten...[/i] she'd been so wrapped up in her own worries that she'd forgotten about Cyril's aunt. Was she going to just her? Like she had with Dad? Naoto's speech went over her head as she stood up. "For better or worse, I'm in." even as she said the words she needed to hold onto the table. She'd only felt this way a few times before. The buzz of excitement and nervousness that came before her old karate matches. It was great, if not terrifying. She wanted to fix this, at least. She couldn't fix that Cyril's aunt was kidnapped, she couldn't help that she'd been chosen for this role, but damn it she was going to stop Vincente even if it killed her. Which it probably was, but honestly she didn't think about that. She was going to at least try this time and not run away. She had to, because if she didn't, then no one would. Her realization and renewal of her resolve made her realize that her almost crying almost drive some people to running away. Except for the English girl who was weirdly shouting something inspirational at the group. Jak didn't understand what she was saying, so she ignored her for the time being. "What's the plan?"