Most of the stray soldiers were being taken care of by the ones in the front line, which Jalo appreciated. It gave him a chance to compose himself again, at least for a few moments. Then they all reached the end, and though there wasn't a sea of soldiers this time, the automatic weapons and flamethrowers made it more challenging for him to concentrate. He still stayed on the defensive with blocking the soldiers' attacks, and when he could, he would ruin a stationary gun or two. By the end of it, his migraine as overwhelming and he had overexerted himself. If it wasn't for the fresh air he felt hit his face and his lungs, he wouldn't have even noticed they reached the outside. He couldn't hear what the leader had to say, but felt the others starting to move, and did so as well. By the time the week was over and they reached the forest, Jalo's migraine went away and he had managed to stabilize himself, working out a pattern of when and how to use his ability. Always being a follower, he was grateful there were natural leaders in the group and they were giving exact instructions. He hadn't spoken a word since they were in the compound - Nobody talked to him much, and the few times they did it was a yes or no question. For him, it felt strangely nice to not have to. Talking was a source of anxiety for 027, since even the scientists back at the base would have to record what he said and play it backwards. Maybe he would get lucky, and be like one of the people who didn't talk for so long they simply forgot how to. Or maybe it was a problem in his mind that would never go away, and he would just always speak like this. His thoughts getting out of hand, Jalo shook his head, clearing his mind and focusing more on his work. Not having to use physical labor to put up the shelters, it went quicker for him than it was going for some of the others. Still, the help was appreciated.