[quote=Dipper] I feel the same, mdk, but i-m fully aware it could, possibly, mutate, no mater how unlikely. Denying it as a possibly is foolish. [/quote] I would argue it's almost pragmatic. There is zero cause for concern from patients within the US. .0000000000001% chance of an outbreak isn't worth worrying about. We are safe, period. If you're going to expend any effort worrying about Ebola, worry about its spread in West Africa. That's where it's actually dangerous. We don't need to spend any more resources here, beyond what's already been done (and obviously, continue handling those cases and any other isolated cases that may migrate in). The way to help your fellow Americans be safe from Ebola, at this point, is to attack the disease in Africa where it lives, and waste not a single second being scared about an outbreak here. Edit: [url=https://www.worldnewsmd.com/Video/Allergy%20&%20Immunology/Why-Enterovirus-Is-A-Bigger-Potential-Threat-Than-Ebola]not an EBOLA outbreak, anyway.[/url]