Aethen Faer inwardly sighed, sitting in a crossed form on the floor of the airship, the exact opposite corner of Aslin. He was at peace, both of his eyes closed, his breathing short and steady, when the ship lurched, sending him forward, awkwardly onto his stomach. Without a word, Esprum pushed the glasses that lied on the rim of his nose up, scoffing as he rose to his feet. He stared up, where he heard one of his... comrades' yell, something about newbies. 'That supercilious clown...' He silently scoffed, brushing his hands down on his cloak, using away any stray dirt that he may have gathered during his fall. He stiffened, reaching to his back to grab his custom weapon. 'An explosion?' As he looked down, the glasses hid his eyes, a stray gleam of the glass making staining the spectacles. 'Right then, best not keep them waiting.' Unlike the others, Esprum lacked the absolutely athletic body, having to pull himself up and onto deck. He was just in time to witness a missile explode a bit off, sending the one who sat the nearest to him flying. To him, the blast jerked him back, his back hitting the hole he was attempting to climb out off. He heaved, grabbing the edge with his free hand, to prevent himself from falling into the now crashing ship. Without wasting time, he heaved himself fully up, turning to face a final missile... no there were two. 'Why didn't they contact me?!' He yelled to himself, getting into a combat stance with his lance. The staff of said lance began to glow, his hair, normally reaching the middle of his neck, flew backwards, as the parts of the ship began to glow a bluish color. "Deflect!" He shouted his first words ever since this damned trip just as the first missile was about to hit. What happened next could only be described as a children's dream. Around the dying ship, a slightly transparent blue cartoonish bubble appeared. The missile impacted with it, before bouncing off of the ship's shield, and burying it's self into the ground, where it exploded, the other missile following the heat of the impact. The combined explosions propelled the bubble and the ship skywards. Esprum pushed his glasses back off as the explosion took place, one could only describe it as bad ass. He turned, the bubble beginning to disappear. He quickly crouched, rotating the staff in his palm, behind him. "Bounce!" He ordered, a rune right below him set-off, disappearing into the wind as he was shot upwards. With enough air, a man of his build had no trouble flipping in the air. He took a deep breath right as he landed, kicking a bit of dust up. He landed right in front of his comrades. Right as he stood up, the airship landed, and exploded behind him, another bad ass moment. 'Perfect.' He smirked, before eying his teammates. Aurellius, the brawn. Nicoleta, the nimble. Aslin, the cunning. 'And that leaves me, the brain.' He cough, otherwise staying silent. What a let down, none of these guys are likely to sit down, and have a cup of tea with him, or play a game of chess. So uncultured.