[u](Meliton, speaking to Azeroth, ogling Katherin)[/u] Surprised by the sudden appearance of the fellow student before him, mainly the portal opening and the pale teen step out, Meliton was surprisingly composed. The only thing preventing him from shrinking back hesitantly was the fact that it was both bad form, as seen by other students reacting in shock...and the fact that such movements would likely shift his cake around. That simply wouldn't do. Taking note of cane-girl entering into the gymnasium, he stared up at into the taller teen's dark black and red eyes, nodding slowly...sheepishly, "This? This is the ambrosia of this god, a treat of less sweetness but no lesser quality...handmade, stored, and summoned with care for the peak moments when such a delight would be needed. This is, just one of many; a delicious cake! A delicious tiramisu cake." Saying all this, the sweetness god paused for a moment in consideration, before offering it forth in one hand with a smile...conjuring and offering up a recipe card with another.