I'm going to safely through all of my interest into this. And just casually deposit this CS here. [Hider=CS]Appearance: [Img=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/077/6/c/applibot__10_by_chrisbjors-d5zgje5.jpg] Name: Campbell Ashe Callsign: Boomstick Gender: Female Age: 28 Psychological Analysis: Utilitarian in her beliefs she had discovered long ago that sometimes to do the right thing one had to be willing to cross moral boundaries only a monster would dare to cross even if her own actions sickened her. Her idea of hero not being a knight in shining armor but somebody that would kill one to save ten, ten to save a hundred, a hundred to save a thousand, a thousand to save a million. She didn't know if this made her more a villain that the people just wanting sovereignty and the chance at freedom that she was fighting but she did know that if a threat was put down as quickly as possible the number of innocent lives caught up in the mess was lower and so the practically of it was putting a bullet through the head of a insurrectionist first and bothering to ask questions about the moral values of the question later did what she joined the military to do faster save lives. Outside of combat though one might see a different individual a human being residing inside of a construct of war unsure if it came first or was the product of the guilt of actions committed. A kind and almost caring individual with a warm presence that was not afraid to sharpen the old blade of sarcasm once every so often. And on one rare occasion one might even find her starring out the view ports out into the great vast darkness where she would wonder about why... just why. For the cracks in the armor after several years of military service presented themselves only if showing them when they could not be suppressed The signs of onset PTSD and a general weariness towards the actions that she had committed in the past, maybe even looking for a form of redemption if their was one. But somewhere inside her she knew that getting out of it was no longer an option she could not just settle down and start a life on one of the core worlds she was born with war in her blood and she would live a soldier and die as one. Military Background: Born into a military family her father being a rear admiral in the UEE fleets with a long and proud history of military service in her blood. Having a blood relatives having fought all around the world since the hundred years war back on Earth when man used to fight with steel and blade rather than laser and plasma. While in her youth she enjoyed rebelling against her families way of life being a hard drinking delinquent much to her father's ire she eventually mellowed out and was dragged more or less into the old family pastime of killing others for lord and country. Trained at Sandhurst with among the likes of West Point was one of the few remaining so called "old academies" of prestige and almost legendary fame left standing. While there she excelled at her martial and combat orientated classes excelling in particular with assault tactics and close ranged urban warfare commonly associated with the 101st PA-2 Sentinel Shock Teams. Her eye for logistics and tactics though was a less bit less than stellar preferring to leave the heavy number crunching to the engineers back on the warships. Nevertheless through a mixture of determination and grit she graduated in the upper quartile of her class. After graduation a man in a suit contacted her who had been placed in charge of watching all recruits coming out of Sandhurst with great care having gained a certain intresated in Campbell after reviewing her combat simulation scores. He was a recruiter part of UEE special forces to find members for their myriad of special operation divisions spread out across the Empire. Soon afterwards she found herself in the 101st training camp known affectionately by those that were pushed through it and lived to tell the tale as Hell. Her father of course was opposed to it having wanted her to take a commission as a captain stationed on some backwater world or even better as a MP back on Earth not to be fighting on the front lines. But her rebellious nature never truly left her and she stuck through the training though it pushed her to her breaking point and far past it as it was designed to do at times she felt it would of been easier to give up and lay in the mud and dirt rather than run another 20 miles. But eventually it came to an end and she was one of the 30 of the original 200 to have made it out the other side a recruit in the 101st. Due to her excellence in heavy combat operations she was placed in the 101st Legionaries 3rd Company 1st Armored Platoon where she and her comrades equip in top of the line PA-2 Sentinel Assault Armor and its predecessor the PA-1 and placed in hot combat zones across the many small skirmish they had with pro-coalition and coalition-armed forces on UEE controlled worlds. Years of work, blood and sweat accumulated its self as her armor grew battle worn and was no longer shined with the well polish of a fresh untested soldier. Though the time would come where Campbell was to show her worth and cement her ability as a member of the 101st. The planet's name was Kryes it was in the lost space between Coalition and the UEE where a large majority of the proxy wars in the "peace time" period took place. At the time it was controlled by a pro-Coalition government though a great number of dissenters lived among the peasantry who wished for the UEE backing who payed more money for their agricultural products and generally though as tyrannical as it may had been brought relative prosperity and safety to the world. This revolution of the peasantry though was hampered due to the government having Coalition support in the form of guns, ammunition, vehicles and even military training. And well the UEE did its best to found the rebels as best as they could it was getting nowhere. And so 10 in total legionnaires including Campbell were dropped onto the planet posing as mercenaries hired by the Rebel forces without UEE gear or backing and where told to train and start a rebellion. In the end it was a Pyrrhic victory at best for the Rebel forces with most of the planet in ruins and considerable losses on both sides. But the actions most remembered was by a certain legionnaire and the only one to survive the conflict. Having been thrust into control of the largest remaining contingent of the rebel forces in the area stuck between an approaching government army that was larger and more well equipped and one of the largest military installations on the planet which defended the mountain pass leading to the capital. It was deiced that it was better to be thrown against the rock than the hard place and the army smashed against the installations digging in hard with the one hope that the sheer audacity of it would give them enough of an upper hand to take the installations. The events that occurred at this battle are commonly refereed to as the Meat Grinder. They say that Campbell pushed her forces against the onslaught for two full days and nights even as dozens were mowed down by lasers and heavy machine gun fire. That all she cared about was to punch a hole in the defense and legend has it at the end of the second day that the pile corpses pushed against the wall was high enough for the remainder of the army to storm up and take the installation a mere day ahead of the approaching army. Allowing them to live and be able to counter the approaching government force from atop the fortifications that the rebels had bathed in their own blood to capture. And with the defeat of that army and the arrival of the second rebel army from the south cemented the fall of the capital and victory for the rebels. In the so called Meat Grinder alone 30+ medals of valor were award with only three of those being issued to living soldiers with a mere 100 of Campbell original 1,250 men surviving the battle. Cambell's work was praised when returned valiantly back to the UEE and the 101st though the events on Kryes did effect her as the blood of all those that died because of her ran fresh through her memory. Slowly the years passed and before she knew it seven years had past in her time with the 101st and on a routine day she was contacted that she was being pulled out of 3rd Company and into an inter-Company strike team to take down a new Coalition super weapon. Somewhere deep in her stomach she had a bad feeling about the events that were to come. Cybernetic/Biological Augmentations: Goliath Phase 4 Arm Enhancement : In place of an organic musculature, these augmentations utilize bunches of stimulated plastic cables that mimic the actions of muscle tissues, but to a greatly strengthened degree. In combination with tiny motors and shock-absorbers using kinetic buffers capable of far exceeding human physical abilities. Made of lightweight polycarbons. Roadrunner Phase 2 Leg Prosthetic: Using the same manner of advanced polymers and lightweight metals that the Goliath uses. With these high tech state of the art augmentations the captain is able to run faster, kick stronger and jump higher then the average human being and do it for much longer without tiring though like the Goliath she must be careful not to overexert the systems or else risking burn out and damage to the augmentations. Citadel Exolayer: A supple, micro-thin material implanted beneath the epidermis in key areas of the body, as well as over the surface of pre-existing cybernetic limbs. When kinetic energy from a physical blow or a weapon discharge strikes the plating, the material becomes rigid, deflecting the impact shock. Heat and electromagnetically-conductive elements in the Exolayer serve to dampen damage from fire-related or energized trauma. This provides an outer protective layer that well do will to protect from small arms fire but can be punctured. Loadout: [I]"... And thus have been rated above satisfactory. And beside I don't know about the observation board but I wouldn't want to fight a steel wall armed to the teeth with the most recent killing machines." ~ Legionnaire engineer's combat readiness review of the PA-2 series. [/I] Armor: Ashe do to the nature of her combat style and training wears a set of PA-2 Sentinel Assault Armor sacrificing speed for durability and the ability to take as many punches as she can dish out. [Img=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/165/1/2/sgc_93_shotgun_by_dirtbiker715-d3ix162.png] [I]"Speak softly, and carry a big stick" ~ Theodore Roosevelt: Tactician, Military Commander and political leader of the 19th century.[/I] The BS-Mk V: The Mk V as it is commonly known as the heavy assault teams best friends defined as a shotgun and more aline with that of a small cannon, the sheer sound of the beast going off has a scientifically proven demoralizing effect on enemy troops not to mention physical effects of nausea, loss of blood, lose of bodily limbs and death. Semiautomatic the MK V is used in breaches and to clear rooms quickly. [I] "Asskicking Carnage System is what it stands for right? Well whatever the case I know one thing it is pretty, clean and reliable just like how I like my woman." ~ Legionnaire Marksman [/I] ACS: PDW configuration. [I]"The perfect combination of shock and awe." ~ Legionnaire Scout[/i] Electron Grenade: 4x [I]"Ah the EUU forcefields of death! I swear they are made by wizards! ~ John Claine: homeless vagabond and resident crackpot underneath the old north highway.[/I] Barrier staff 1x --- The Rule of the special kind that may or may fall under military subsection 1b. Oh well Lucas looks to be the essential optimistic young one who will have to be irreparably broken over the course of the RP until he becomes a grumpy jaded individual like he should be. lol [/hider]