Set Ideas Oh, at some point, I see them fighting and something making Akito snap and pin/throw Hiro to the ground or something. A moment where Hiro seems to have forgotten that though he may appear shy, he's killed a lot of people. I see it startling Hiro, maybe(hopefully) even scaring him to add some drama. My first vision was him grabbing Hiro-kun's neck, which could still happen, but that would be an extreme moment. I was thinking it could be a little time later, when Akito feels Hiro may be trusting him in a meaningful way, and he brings up his concerns over the activities of some of the servants. And in true prince fashion he hasn't seen any odd behavior or paid attention to the servants enough to realize some are acting weird and calls Akito a warmonger or something. "Just looking for a new enemy to attack unjustly" or something like that. Maybe have this chat happen a day or so after a fight about wars themselves.