It's crazy on my end. Just had to learn how to open for my work and it's been driving me made with exhaustion. ;_; I don't get up that early and it's terrible, but I'll pull through. The main reason I'm gone, doe, is because I've been sucked into the enormous gaping pit of Netflix and a show I decided I'd get into. It was more of a, "Hm, my friends have been talking about this show very positively, lately... I've been avoiding it, but WHY THE HELL NOT?!" And I didn't realize I'd stepped too deep until I was six seasons into it about a week after I started watching.... So, yeah, but I do have two days off after tomorrow, so I'll try and get something up then. Sorry for my sudden absence; I wasn't expecting to be gone for that long, actually. Er. >_> Don't judge me.