Luke was at the bow he could smell the ocean and it's breeze. Normally he'd keep his own personal sword the revenge on him however a few days ago he recieved word from his father to bring the cragmore sword and the rest of the family to storm reach. While he didn't give much thought to why he had to do this he was happy he could take Laurel to see her homeland again. He turned around and walked to his siblings, and the 2 Karacid children and said "Once we arrive in GoldCoast we'll be waiting a few days so Laurel can see her father. You are welcome to have a look around just never alone. Take at least 1 guard with you." The children nodded. He then looked up and could see Laurel, he went up to her and gave her a peck on the cheek. Laurel snapped out of her day dreaming and looked to her husband. "Oh hello" She said blushing softly. Moving a strand of long red hair from her cheek. She was thinking about what she was planning on doing in her homeland. There was so much she had forgotten about, but nevertheless she was excited. Luke smiled and said "I'm excited to see your homeland. You must show me all it has to offer." Luke nodded to Laurel. "Will you be staying here while I go to stone reach or will you come aswell?" Luke questioned as he moved his blonde hair out of his face. "From the stories i have heard... i think it best i stay in Odesh." Laurel smiled softly, looking off into the waves. "I am sure you wont miss me to much" She teased. Luke laughed in agreement then Luke said"I'm sure I can manage my sweet. But what about your family they won't mind us staying will they? If you can my sweet father asked me to talk to flint can you set that up?" Luke leaned on Laurel looking into the waves with her. "I am sure my Father will be happy for you to stay, he cherishes the bond our families share. Though between you and me i think it is more to do with your navy" Laurel joked Luke nodded before he could speak he heard the man from the crow's nest shout "LAND HO." Luke then gave a kiss to his princess before returning to the bow and got ready to dock. As they docked everyone was unloaded and they began the ride to AmpleFort.