Aurellius shrugged as the woman responded to his suggestion. Then he whistled as he looked upwards into the sky, seeing the other woman get almost blown up to hell. He saw her manage to fly towards a building twenty feet away. Then he heard the screams of soldiers realizing they had been hit by a human bomb. She was [i]fiiiiiine[/i]. Of course, he didn't have time to enjoy the screams when a huge explosion almost made him go deaf. Their airship was going down, hit by too many missiles to count. The other kid landed gently with the use of Dust, smirking all the while. "[b]You know, we could do without the theatrics.[/b]" Aurellius mused. It was just in time too, because the girl who had been launched into the building had finished her fight, stumbling out the front door mumbling something that made him chuckle. He turned just as Nicoleta decided to go and look for survivors. He groaned, wondering if she knew no one would survive a crash like that. And even if they did, they would no doubt be hunted down within' a few minutes. As she began to ran, he looked to their other party members, speaking. "[b]Well, you heard the lady, if she wants to take charge, we all know who to blame if things fuck up. Oh, and try not to die.[/b]" He rolled his eyes, hefting Ascalon and began to run after her. She was damn fast, but it wasn't too hard to stay a couple meters behind her. He watched as she took out a gorilla like Grimm with one swipe of her weapons. He almost stumbled over the corpse of the damn thing, but a quick blast of his thrusters set him in the air. He managed to reach Nico within' ten seconds of her arriving first. The wreck of the airship was a complete mess. Large fires sprouted around the entire place, metal warped and twisted. And it also seemed as if she was completely pissed at a squad of Vacuans who had arrived before them. No doubt the crew were already dead. "[b]Well, there goes our ride. What's say we repay the favor in kind?[/b]" He said with a grin, hefting Ascalon and beginning to run. He was lucky they were on a slight overhang, because that gave him extra air as he activated his thrusters, flying over the group of soldiers. Aurellius pulled the trigger, the barrel spinning for a few moments as he grinned. The twelve soldiers didn't even get to look up as fire rained down on their positions, ripping at least three of them to shreds as the bullets decapitated limbs and pierced hearts. He landed amongst the group of soldier, getting a reaction of horrified faces. He immediately locked on to the largest of the group, a high ranking soldier who carried a pretty big greatsword. He lunged forwards at the man, minigun turning into lance with a flip of a switch, who reacted just in time for his lance to slide off of the sword. Aurellius didn't hesitate, going with the momentum of it and sliding around him. He swung hard with the lance, catching the man hard in the back. He stumbled forwards a few feet, but managed to keep his footing. Still, it gave Aurellius time to stab the man in the stomach, going in deep. He laughed, flipping a switch, lance being replaced with six rotating blades. He lifted the man with a bit of effort, pointing the barrels at a soldier wielding a scythe who had decided to play hero. The insides of the leader were being ripped apart just as the outsides of the hero were being ripped apart. Bright red blood fluttered around him, covering both him and the other soldiers in the sticky liquid. "[b]Come on, lads, don't make me do all the fun![/b]"