Danny was in the crow's nest with the captain, going over more of her maps and keeping a lookout for the land that was soon to be approaching. The girl was quite cheerful until the girl fell to the ship's deck. staying where she was, Danny stared down at the girl and her crew mates, confusion and a bit of fear across her face. she didn't move until she spotted the island. she stared for a second, the sight of it strange to her inexperienced eyes, but she snapped back to reality, quickly gathering her maps while shouting her discovery. "Land ahead!" she let herself drop down a rope, moving to the wheel, alternating between super focused on docking, to staring at the things on the shore. once docked, Danny was the first one off the ship, running to and fro, trying to take everything in at once. she wanted to see everything at work, just to see what it did. it took her a moment to realize that someone new, the bird girl's brother, had joined the group. She grinned, suddenly in front of him, shaking his hand vigorously. "Hi, I'm Danny, I'm a navigator. what does this do? how about that? that looks cool, did you make it? who made this?" she proceeded to point at various things, her smile growing sickeningly wide. and then she spotted the airship. Danny's jaw dropped, her eyes bugged, and she froze, unblinking. She only moved after Ray made his point about heights, snapping over to his side. "Aw, come on, ray! We'd be unstoppable!" she stated, her hands in fists and shaking in excitement. she tilted her head, a noise reaching her ear. "anyone else hear a fight?"