Esprum scoffed, pushing his glasses back up. He had ignored Aurellius's comment, the glare of the sun hiding any emotion he may have displayed through his eyes. He blinked, turning to Nicoleta as she ran off. 'There were other's on that ship? What a horrendous miscalculation.' He looked down towards the ground, his left foot shifting slightly. He was only snapped back into reality as Aurellius spoke. He turned, watching him run off towards the wreck. He then turned towards Aslin. 'In any case, this proves my point. They don't seem to type to help their teammates out.' Shaking his head, he walked forward, toward her, where he went into a crouch and pulled his magic pouch out. Without so much as letting her get a word out, he dug a bit of the dust out with his finger, lightly drawing on her wound. Once he was done, it was glowing a warm gold, and stung quite a bit. Nonetheless, her wound began to heal, mending the flesh. He silently stood, turning back around, putting his dust back. He took a deep breath, before reaching into his robes. 'And those boneheads never thought to grab my book.' He huffed, before calmly walking towards the wreck, a minute or two after Aurellius. He would arrive rather late to the party, just as the big man killed off two soldiers. Esprum was unnoticed to this point, kneeling by a shrub that had escaped the fire's wrath. Firstly, he began to draw in the dirt, before brandishing his weapon. The staff drew itself in, creating the loading cartridge for its crossbow form. He loaded it, knelt closer to the ground, and took aim. 'My options... Ah...' He took notice of a soldier, covered in blood. They had a crimson covered blade raised before them, about to impale Aurellius in the back. Sure, it probally wouldn't hurt him, but everyone likes to play the hero. 'Bingo.' He muttered. Half a second later the soldier fell forward, towards Aureliius, the blade falling to the ground. Imprinted into his neck was the crossbow bolt, the reason for the soldier's unfortunate end. 'Good enough.' Esprum silently spoke, before turning, sitting onto the ground, his staff reverting back to its lance form. He slowly rose back up, before slowly sprinting forward, the tip of his weapon a sharp blue. Fortunately, one soldier noticed him, wielding a blade, like the one he just slew. He slowed his run, bringing the staff up to block, and counter, a swipe from the enemy's sword. He pushed, staggering the soldier, before impaling the man in the chest, cruelly twisting the tip, adding insult to injury. He pulled out, letting the soldier fall to the ground. 'Let's do something about this fire.' He muttered, grabbing his bag as he dove towards the outskirts of the field, this time dabbing his staff with the dust. After this, he quietly ran around the field, taking about ten minutes to mark a circle with strange marks. Once finished, he brandished the staff. "Protect." He quietly spoke, his glasses beginning to glow... with a mixture of colors, those of a rainbow. The same happened to Nico's scarf. And Aurellius's tie. And Aslin's hoodie. Rainbows. Without wasting times, he shouted for the first time. "Deprive!" The newly drawn runes grew a grayish color, as the air seemed to drop. Slowly, the fires went out, one by one, and anyone within the circle unlucky enough to be lacking a glowing rainbow article of clothing found them selves lacking air. As it would turn out, two of them fell as the circle faded, Esprum breathing heavily. The other soldiers were taking a moment to recover.